Thursday, October 31, 2013

31/10/13 - English

Lord, we continue to pray for the people of Syria, and wish to particularly pray for the health of Syria’s children. At least twenty children have contracted polio in eastern Syria, but we fear that the continued chaos and displacement could lead to an even worse outbreak. Lord, we ask that you will protect those most vulnerable and pave the way for health workers to reach those affected. Lord in your mercy… 

Gracious God, please make your presence felt among farmers across Palestine as they face disruptions to their harvest and violence against their property. Recently, Israeli settlers razed agricultural land in Nablus, Salfit, and Bethlehem for the expansion of settlements. Lord, we remember your promise and long for the day when swords will be beaten into plowshares and your justice will reign on the earth. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we ask that you would guide the proceedings of the World Council of Churches’ 10th Assembly in Busan, South Korea, as it begins this week. May this year’s theme, “God of life, lead us to justice and peace,” be a driving force in planning future programs and in our daily lives. Lord in your mercy…

We continue in our prayers for Sabeel’s 9th International Conference at the end of November, asking that you would guide our preparations and enable us to glorify your Name in our work. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the Indian Ocean island nations: Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, and Seychelles. Lord in your mercy…

Japanese 31/10/2013

※ シリアで14年ぶりにポリオ感染が確認されたことを伝えるニュース:「ポリオは、食事などを通して口から体内に入り、手足にまひを引き起こす。ワクチン接種による予防が可能だが、発症した場合の有効な治療法はない。シリアでは1999年を最後にポリオの発症例はなく、内戦前は約95%がポリオの予防接種を受けていた。だが2011年3月に始まった武力衝突の影響で、国連の推定で約50万人の子供が未接種となっている。」

Thursday, October 24, 2013

24/10/13 - English

Merciful God, we cry out on behalf of the Egyptian Coptic Church, which has faced much violence since the revolution in 2011. On Sunday, three people were killed and many more injured while leaving a wedding at a Cairo church. Lord, we condemn this senseless violence, and pray for your protection for this community of believers. Lord in your mercy… 

Lord, please protect the many Palestinian children currently in Israeli jails and those who are regularly detained by Israeli forces. We decry the innocence lost among children beaten and mistreated, and pray for an end to the occupation that allows this to continue. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we thank you for the work of Yasmine Perni in her film about Palestinian Christians, “The Stones Cry Out.” As the U.S. tour begins this week, we ask that you would bless the proceedings, and that people would seize this opportunity to learn about the situation of Christians in the Holy Land. Lord in your mercy…

Gracious God, we pray your blessing on Sabeel’s programs for the week, including a youth meeting through the Nazareth office and a joint program in Eilabon on Friday. Please be with our work as we prepare for an interfaith meeting next Monday at Najah University in Nablus. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray along with the World Council of Churches for the countries of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Lord in your mercy…

24/10/13 - Français

Dieu compatissant, nous crions vers toi pour l’Église copte d’Égypte, qui a subi beaucoup de violences depuis la révolution de 2011. Dimanche, trois personnes ont été tuées et bien plus ont été blessées à la sortie d’un mariage d’une église du Caire. Seigneur, nous condamnons cette violence insensée et nous te prions de protéger cette communauté de croyants. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur nous te prions de protéger les nombreux enfants palestiniens qui sont actuellement dans les prisons israéliennes et ceux qui sont en permanence détenus par les forces israéliennes. Nous déplorons l’innocence perdue chez des enfants battus et maltraités, et te prions pour la fin de l’occupation qui permet à ces pratiques de se poursuivre. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te remercions pour le travail de Yasmine Perni  avec son film sur les chrétiens palestiniens, “Les pierres crient”. En ce début de la tournée aux États Unis cette semaine, nous te prions de bénir les séances pour que les gens saisissent cette occasion de s’informer sur la situation des chrétiens de Terre Sainte. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Dieu de bonté, nous te prions de bénir les programmes de Sabeel pour cette semaine dont une rencontre de jeunes organisée par le bureau de Nazareth et un programme organisé en commun à Eilabon vendredi. Daigne nous accompagner dans notre préparation d’une rencontre intereligieuse lundi prochain à l’Université Najah de Naplouse. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te prions en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour les populations de l’Inde, du Pakistan et du Sri Lanka. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Japanese 24/10/2013


Thursday, October 17, 2013

17/10/13 - English

Lord, we continue to lift the Syrian people up to you, but especially wish to pray for the safety of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Syrian Arab Red Crescent members who were kidnapped in northern Syria this week. We pray that you would protect them, and empower the brave people working to help those in need. Lord in your mercy…

Merciful God, we also wish to lift the residents of the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus up to you. This Palestinian camp has been under siege for the past six months, leading to dire conditions with people lacking basic supplies and even dying of starvation. Lord, we pray for an end to the siege, an end to the war, and a lasting peace over the entire region. Lord in your mercy…

In the wake of increased attacks by settlers, we pray that you would protect and bless Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest. Imbue them with your peace so they may take joy in the productivity of this time. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray your blessing on Sabeel’s Young Women’s Meeting this Friday. We thank you for this opportunity to raise up new leaders among Palestinian women, and pray for the meeting to go smoothly. We also pray your blessing on Sabeel Nazareth’s programs for the week, and we thank you for your continued presence in Sabeel’s activities. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray along with the World Council of Churches for the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal. Lord in your mercy…

17/10/13 - Français

Seigneur, nous venons encore te prier pour le peuple syrien, mais souhaitons te prier particulièrement pour la sécurité des membres du Comité International de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge Arabe de Syrie kidnappés dans le nord de la Syrie cette semaine. Nous te prions de les protéger et de soutenir ceux qui viennent courageusement en aide aux gens dans le besoin. Seigneur , dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Dieu de pitié, nous venons aussi te prier pour les habitants du camp de réfugiés de Yarmouk à Damas. Ce camp palestinien est en état de siège depuis six mois, entrainant des conditions de vie terribles pour des gens qui manquent des denrées de base et qui meurent même de faim. Seigneur, nous te prions pour que le siège prenne fin, pour que la guerre prenne fin et pour une paix durable dans toute la région. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

À la suite de l’accroissement des attaques de colons, nous te prions de protéger les fermiers palestiniens et de les bénir pendant la récolte des olives. Comble les de ta paix afin qu’ils puissent trouver de la joie dans les récoltes de cette saison. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous implorons ta bénédiction sur la rencontre de Sabeel pour les jeunes femmes ce vendredi. Nous te remercions pour cette occasion de suciter de nouvelles responsables chez les femmes palestiniennes et nous te prions pour que la rencontre se déroule sans problèmes. Nous implorons aussi ta bénédiction sur les programmes de Sabeel Nazareth pour cette semaine et nous te remercions de ta présence constante dans les activités de Sabeel. Seigneur , dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te prions en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour les populations du Bangladesh, du Bhoutan et du Népal. Seigneur , dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Japanese 17/10/2013

※ シリアには50万人のパレスチナ人難民が生活している。ダマスカス中心部から8kmの場所にある、わずか2.11平方キロメートルの広さのヤルムーク難民キャンプには、10万人以上のパレスチナ人が暮らしている。

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10/10/13 - English

Merciful God, we mourn the more than 300 people feared dead after the sinking of a ship carrying African immigrants off the coast of Italy this past week. We pray that you would comfort the families of those lost, that the survivors would feel the depths of your love in this difficult time, and that the global community would address the root causes of poverty and war which yearly lead to tragedies such as this. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we wish to pray for the people of the Middle East, particularly Egyptians as they confront violence and tensions since the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi in July. The latest round of clashes, in which more than fifty people were killed, makes us cry out for your peace to reign and your justice to prevail. Lord in your mercy…

Gracious God, please bless our Muslim brothers and sisters as they prepare to celebrate Eid al-Adha next week. Let this be a time of joy and fellowship with family and friends. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we ask for your blessing on Sabeel’s upcoming programs and meetings, including a meeting to plan our programs for the coming year, an open forum on the Church of Scotland’s report (‘The Inheritance of Abraham?’), and the Clergy Retreat at the beginning of next week. We also continue to pray for your guidance and wisdom as we make final preparations for the International Conference in November. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray along with the World Council of Churches for the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Lord in your mercy…

Japanese 10/10/2013

(*) イタリアには2011年には約5万人、2012年には約8千人、今年は既に2万5千人の難民が船で到来している。2011年6月には、リビアからの難民200~270人がチュニジア沖で船の沈没によって死亡した。

Thursday, October 3, 2013

3/10/13 - English

Lord, we wish to pray for the people of the Middle East, and particularly for the people of Iraq who continue to endure bombings and violence on an almost daily basis. Lord, let the Iraqi people feel your presence in the midst of these horrors and enable the country to find a peaceful solution. Lord in your mercy…

Gracious God, the past few weeks have seen an increase in violent attacks against Palestinians by Israeli forces and settlers. Since peace talks began in August, five Palestinians have been killed and dozens of Palestinians have been injured and arrested, a Christian graveyard has been vandalized, and settlers continue to conduct “price tag” attacks against Palestinians. Lord, we pray for an end to the violence that saturates this society and an end to this occupation. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, as farmers are preparing for the olive harvest, the joy of community and fellowship which should define this time is overshadowed by fear as Palestinian farmers face violence and threats from Israeli settlers. Last week, extremist Israeli settlers in Nablus burned more than 350 Palestinian olive trees, and on Monday surrounded Palestinian farmers and prevented them from leaving the fields. Lord, we cry out against these injustices and pray that farmers across the country are able to celebrate a plentiful harvest. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we at Sabeel wish to pray for the ongoing preparations for our International Conference happening in November.  We pray that many people will take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the burning issues in the region, including the situation of Christians in Arab countries and Palestinian Christians in particular. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Lord in your mercy…

Japanese 3/10/2013
