Thursday, February 28, 2013

28/2/13 - English

Creative, loving God, thank you for another day of life. Help us to make much of what you have given us, help us to encourage life and reject death and hatred, even in a world where lines of good and evil blur. For over a decade now, we have heard the words “war on terror,” and we have seen violence in Afghanistan and Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, and Gaza. Now we see the “war on terror” raging in Mali as well. As war continues to spread, as we see war technology expand and increased use of drones, we pray for the wisdom of those making these influential decisions. Lord, would you protect those unwillingly involved; would you bring about justice and an end to violence. Lord, in your mercy...

As we offer up these prayers regarding the effects of international politics in our globalized world, we also pray for our own decision makers in the Palestinian Authority. With pressure exerted upon them from many sides, we pray for the wisdom of the P.A. May they be always committed to justice, to peace, and to working for the good of the Palestinian people. With U.S. President Barak Obama set to visit Israel in March, we pray that you would provide fresh perspectives and new avenues through which his talks could lead to a just peace. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we are especially mindful of this deep need for justice and the protection of human rights following the tragic death of 30-year-old father and husband Arafat Jaradat last weekend. Having been arrested only a week earlier for alleged involvement in stone-throwing, he died suddenly in jail from a so-called heart-attack. But as autopsies reveal a healthy heart and signs of torture, God, we shudder to think of what may have happened behind closed doors. With a UN-mandated investigation of the event, we pray for a fair assessment and that justice would be served in these dealings. We pray for the more than 4,600 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and the many detainees now hunger-striking alongside Samer al-Issawi as his health further deteriorates. We pray for fair trials for all these prisoners, for the families of those awaiting the return of loved ones, and for the current upheaval in Hebron as a result of Jaradat’s death. Lord, in your mercy...

Here at Sabeel, we ask your blessing on next week’s board meeting. We thank you for the partnerships developing with fellow Jerusalem peace partners and for the services we were able to provide for our community at last Friday’s meeting to discuss challenges of Jerusalem residency. We lift up all the Nazareth programs, especially the youth visit to Jerusalem. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of France and Germany. Lord, in your mercy...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

21/2/13 - English

Lord God, we come to you again today with concerns that pressed in upon us last week, last month, even last year. We know that you are at work around us, but we are tired. Please renew us with fresh hope for each day. We look around at all the nearby countries who continue to desire democracy, to face upheaval, and to experience various levels of violence. We pray especially for peace and equality in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Bahrain, and Pakistan. Please be with and protect all peace-seeking grassroots movements taking slow and uncertain steps towards a better future. Lord, in your mercy...

Here in Palestine, God, please bring about justice as well. It is hard to believe the tremendous suffering that hunger-striker Samer Issawi and his family have faced. It is hard to watch his health continue to deteriorate as the number of days he has been without food now surpasses 200. Lord please bring about his release immediately! Bring peace to the family, and protection as the Israeli military invaded their home this weekend, destroying things and arresting Samer’s brother. God, even this week, we hear of protestors arrested, another home demolished in Beit Hanina, friends evicted from their homes, and Palestinian land confiscated by Israel. Please, Lord, bring an end to this! Strengthen us for the work of nonviolent resistance and make us fruitful as we take action for peace! Lord, in your mercy...

We pray also for the political leaders and decision-makers. With Benjamin Netanyahu currently in process of forming a coalition for the third time, we pray desperately for the formation of a moderate, pro-peace government in Israel. God, please guide this process and work things out for the good of all people. Would you also work among those in the U.S. government who are not facilitating positive action toward peace. As President Obama visits Israel in March, please give him the audacity to speak out for the hope of the Palestinian people. Lord, in your mercy...

Here at Sabeel, we continue to ask for your guidance and blessing. Lord, would you make us faithful to the tasks you’ve given us and truthful in the way we represent you. We pray especially for Rev. Naim as he travels next week to speak to a Jordanian community desiring to learn about Palestinian Liberation Theology. Give him wisdom and strength of conviction. We also pray for the lecture on Jerusalem residency co-hosted this Friday by Sabeel, the Arab Orthodox Union Club Jerusalem, and St. Eve Catholic Center for Human Rights. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain. Lord, in your mercy...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

14/2/13 - English

Lord, while the world is focused on so much unrest in the Middle East it seems that Palestine has been forgotten.  And yet we who live here are daily made aware of the continuing hardships of living under occupation.  This past week alone, homes were destroyed, people arrested, land confiscated.  40 members of one family were made homeless when their house was demolished in Beit Hanina; 80 Palestinian civilians were arrested in the West Bank, including 8 children and 3 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.  Lord, we thank you that you have not forgotten these, your children.  Let their stories continue to be heard until justice and peace reign.  Lord, in your mercy…

But Lord, there are still more stories that need to be told.  How many of us are aware of the 4,656 prisoners who are being held in Israeli prisons and detention centers, a figure that includes 178 administrative detainees, 11 women and 177 children?  How many recognize the name, Samer  Issawi ,a young man who has been on a hunger strike for more than 200 days and is now in critical condition?  And how many of us think of the families of these men, women and children who cling to the hope that their loved ones will someday return.  Please keep us mindful of those who suffer, of those whose names we know and those we don’t.  You know their names, Lord; You know their families and friends.  Bless them with the strength that only You can give.  Bless them with Your love and presence.  Lord, in your mercy…

Lord, not only is the political world in turmoil and transition, but this week brought news of changes and transitions within the Church.  Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation after 8 years of serving as the Bishop of Rome.  The Roman Catholic Church now looks to the end of February when a successor will be chosen.  This week in Damascus, amid the violence and civil war that continues in Syria, John Yazigi was enthroned as the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, pledging to work for peace and pray for unity. In Egypt, the recently named Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Tawadros II, will chair the first meeting of the Egyptian Council of Churches with the aim of uniting Egyptian Christians on social and political issues.  Lord, these Churches and their leaders need your wisdom and guidance.  Give them courage to be prophetic voices in a world in need of leadership.  Lord, in your mercy…

Here at Sabeel, Lord, our programs continue.  We ask your blessing and leading as Assis Naim and members of the Jerusalem Executive committee travel to Nazareth this Friday to meet with the staff and committee there on the work of Sabeel in the Galilee for the coming year.  We pray for Sabeel’s Young Adult dinner and Quiz night program this Friday in Ramallah, that it may be a time of community building and fellowship.  Lord, in your mercy…

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries listed on this week’s ecumenical prayer cycle: for Belgium, for Luxemborg, and for the Netherlands.  Lord, in your mercy…

Thursday, February 7, 2013

7/2/13 - English

Lord, we thank you for your justice – at the moments when we can see it strongly evidenced, and even when we cannot. This week, we celebrate a visible evidence of justice in the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s fact-finding mission. Thank you for the declaration that Israel should put an end to all its settlement activity and that all private companies and member states should terminate business interests in or related to settlements. Even as such statements were made, Israel dismantled another Palestinian non-violent protest village constructed on confiscated Palestinian land. Lord, please may both Israel and the international community pay heed to the UN’s words. Lord, in your mercy...

Jesus Christ, we pray for all those who would call upon your name, especially lifting up our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters. May Messianic Jews follow you to a just love of neighbor, even amidst this complex political reality. Help them to work for justice, to seek true peace, and to reject any theology that would undermine international law or allow racism to persist. Lord, in your mercy...

Internationally, we pray against gun violence everywhere, particularly in the United States where so many mass shootings have taken place in recent years. Lord, please heal the mental illness and confusion of people that would shoot down so many innocent lives. Please comfort those who have lost loved ones, and please give leaders wisdom to bring about any needed policy reforms. Lord, in your mercy...

At Sabeel this week, we lift up gratitude for a blessed time at Tuesday’s prayer service for all those affected by the situation in Syria. Lord, we continue to ask for flourishing to return to the region. We pray also for this week’s youth meetings in Nazareth and Ramallah, asking your blessing on the Sabeel young people, that they would dedicate themselves to your work. We pray as well for the Sabeel Nazareth women’s meeting that it would be a rich and life-giving time as they visit the Franciscan Convent in Tiberias to conclude their book study. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the people of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales. Lord, in your mercy...

7/2/13 - Français

Seigneur, nous te remercions pour ta justice – dans les moments où nous pouvons en voir fortement l’évidence, et même quand nous ne le pouvons pas. Cette semaine, nous sommes heureux de voir clairement l’évidence de la justice dans les recommandations de la mission d’établissement des faits de la Commission des Droits de l’Homme des Nations Unies. Merci pour l’affirmation qu’Israël doit mettre fin à son activité de colonisation, que toutes les sociétés privées et tous les états membres doivent mettre fin à leurs activités ou intérêts dans les colonies ou liés aux colonies. Même si au moment de ces déclarations, Israël a démoli un nouveau village de protestation non-violent construit sur une terre palestinienne confisquée. Seigneur, daigne faire qu’Israël et la communauté internationale tiennent compte des déclarations des Nations Unies. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Jésus-Christ, nous te prions pour tous ceux qui font appel à ton nom, nous te confions en particulier nos frères et nos sœurs juifs messianiques. Puissent les juifs messianiques te suivre dans un amour juste du prochain, même dans le cadre de cette réalité politique compliquée. Aide les à travailler pour la justice, à rechercher la vraie paix et à rejeter toute théologie qui contreviendrait au droit international et permettrait au racisme de persister. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Au plan international, nous te prions de mettre fin partout à la violence, en particulier aux États-Unis où tant de massacres par armes à feu ont eu lieu ces dernières années. Seigneur, daigne porter remède à la maladie et à la confusion mentales de gens capables de détruire tant de vies innocentes. Daigne consoler ceux qui ont perdu des êtres aimés et daigne donner aux dirigeants la sagesse de mettre en œuvre les réformes politiques qui s’imposent. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

À Sabeel cette semaine, nous te disons notre gratitude pour un temps de bénédiction lors de la prière de jeudi pour tous ceux qui souffrent de la situation en Syrie. Seigneur nous continuons à te prier pour le retour de la prospérité dans la région. Nous te prions aussi pour les rencontres de jeunes cette semaine à Nazareth et à Ramallah, nous te demandons de bénir les jeunes de Sabeel pour qu’ils se consacrent à ton œuvre. Nous te prions aussi pour la rencontre des femmes à Nazareth pour que ce soit un temps riche et vivifiant lors de leur visite du couvent francisain de Tibériade en conclusion de leur étude de la Bible. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Nous te prions enfin, en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour les populations d’Irlande, d’Irlande du Nord, d’Angleterre, d’Écosse et du Pays de Galles. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.