Thursday, February 7, 2013

7/2/13 - English

Lord, we thank you for your justice – at the moments when we can see it strongly evidenced, and even when we cannot. This week, we celebrate a visible evidence of justice in the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s fact-finding mission. Thank you for the declaration that Israel should put an end to all its settlement activity and that all private companies and member states should terminate business interests in or related to settlements. Even as such statements were made, Israel dismantled another Palestinian non-violent protest village constructed on confiscated Palestinian land. Lord, please may both Israel and the international community pay heed to the UN’s words. Lord, in your mercy...

Jesus Christ, we pray for all those who would call upon your name, especially lifting up our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters. May Messianic Jews follow you to a just love of neighbor, even amidst this complex political reality. Help them to work for justice, to seek true peace, and to reject any theology that would undermine international law or allow racism to persist. Lord, in your mercy...

Internationally, we pray against gun violence everywhere, particularly in the United States where so many mass shootings have taken place in recent years. Lord, please heal the mental illness and confusion of people that would shoot down so many innocent lives. Please comfort those who have lost loved ones, and please give leaders wisdom to bring about any needed policy reforms. Lord, in your mercy...

At Sabeel this week, we lift up gratitude for a blessed time at Tuesday’s prayer service for all those affected by the situation in Syria. Lord, we continue to ask for flourishing to return to the region. We pray also for this week’s youth meetings in Nazareth and Ramallah, asking your blessing on the Sabeel young people, that they would dedicate themselves to your work. We pray as well for the Sabeel Nazareth women’s meeting that it would be a rich and life-giving time as they visit the Franciscan Convent in Tiberias to conclude their book study. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the people of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales. Lord, in your mercy...

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