Thursday, May 13, 2010

13/5/10 - English

Today the Christians in Jerusalem will join the worldwide Christian family in celebrating the Ascension of Christ. On Saturday, Nakba Day, Christians will join their Palestinian brothers and sisters in mourning the loss of their land, their country and so many members of their families. Throughout the week, marches, rallies, and other non-violent demonstrations for peace and justice will be taking place in Palestine and Israel. May our prayers for justice be heard by the ascended Christ and may we all find fresh hope and encouragement in the struggle for freedom.

The Sabeel young adults will spend two days in Galilee this weekend, volunteering in Tiberias and commemorating Nakba Day in solidarity with Palestinians from the village of Al-Bassa, which was forcibly depopulated in 1948 and remains in ruins to this day. We pray that the participants will enjoy the community building and solidarity of being together from north and south, and that their activities will bind them together and offer mutual support.

The coordinators for Friends of Sabeel will gather for two days to discuss and strategize new ways to develop the ministry of Sabeel and its partners and further advocate for a lasting and just peace in this land. May God bless this meeting as we refresh and renew the bonds and spirit of our mission.

Sabeel is blessed with many people who volunteer their time and energy to help. Last Monday, one of Sabeel’s long-time friends and committee members passed away in Nazareth. We give thanks for all our volunteers and supporters, and especially for Abla, and pray for her family and friends at this sad time.  

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