Thursday, September 30, 2010

30/9/10 - Français

Des tensions ont toujours lieu à Jérusalem à la suite du meurtre d’un Palestinien à Silwan par un colon armé. Les Forces Israéliennes de Défense ont lancé des grenades lacrimogènes dans une maison familiale, tuant un bébé de 14 mois. La Cour Suprême israélienne a statué que les maisons palestiniennes de Sheikh Jarrah étaient en réalité propriété juive. Enfin, le gel de la colonisation a pris fin. Toi, o Christ, tu connais les défis de cette cité ancienne, entends nos prières pour la paix et la justice pour tous à Jérusalem.

Rendons grâce pour le dernier bateau qui tente de briser le siège de Gaza, affrété par des militants juifs pour la justice et la paix. Avec les étudiants de l’université sud-africaine de Johannesbourg qui cherchent à boycotter l’université Ben Gourion pour sa complicité avec le gouvernement et l’armée d’Israël, ces actions nous rappellent la nécessité d’un effort permanent pour souligner le refus d’Israël de vivre en conformité avec les règles de conduite et le droit internationaux. Seigneur, garde nous forts et agissants et donne nous l’énergie et le courage de marcher dans tes voies et de suivre tes pas.

Au moment où nous mettons la dernière main aux dispositions pratiques pour la huitième Conférence Internationale de Sabeel à Bethléem en février 2011, prions pour qu’en arrêtant le choix des intervenants et des activités nous fassions preuve de sagesse afin d’intéresser nos amis du monde entier et de les inciter à se joindre à nous.

Dans beaucoup de villes et de villages, des festivals sont organisés pour aider à garder vivantes l’histoire et la vie de la communauté locale. Ce week-end, nous célébrons la résilience du peuple palestinien dans sa promotion de la vie et le rétablissement des valeurs humaines au moment où, dans une action de résistance non violente à l’occupation, des participants locaux et internationaux vont venir de loin et du voisinage célébrer la Fête d’Octobre de Taybeh. Que Dieu soit remercié pour les amis et les voisins, pour la nourriture et la boisson, pour les rires et l’amour qui nous apportent soutien et encouragement.

30/9/10 - English

Tensions continue in Jerusalem after an armed settler killed a Palestinian man in Silwan, IDF troops fired tear gas into a family home killing a 14 month old baby, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that Palestinian homes in Sheikh Jarrah were really Jewish owned, and the settlement freeze came to an end. You, O Christ, know the challenges of this ancient city, hear our prayers for peace with justice for all in Jerusalem.

We give thanks for the latest boat attempting to break the siege of Gaza, organized by Jewish activist for justice and peace. Alongside the South African University of Johannesburg students who are seeking to boycott Ben Gurion University for its complicity with the Israeli government and military forces, these actions remind us of the need for continued engagement in highlighting Israel's failure to live by international laws and norms of behavior. Lord, keep us strong and active and give us energy and encouragement in following your paths and walking in your ways.

As we begin to finalize the practical arrangements for the Eighth International Sabeel Conference in Bethlehem in February 2011, we pray for wisdom in finalizing the speakers and activities to interest, attract and inspire our friends around the world to join us.

In many towns and villages, festivals are being organized to help keep alive the history and life of the local community. This weekend we celebrate the life enhancing and humanity restoring resilience of the Palestinian people when, in an act of non-violent resistance to the occupation, local and international participants will come from far and near to celebrate the Taybeh Oktoberfest. Thanks be to God for friends and neighbors, for food and drink, for laughter and love to sustain us and encourage us.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

23/9/10 - English

September 21 was the International Day of Peace, coinciding with the opening of the General Assembly of the United Nations. We pray for peace where there is conflict and we pray for a fruitful gathering of the General Assembly.

On Tuesday 28 September, many Christians from all over the world will come to mark Succoth and take part in the Christian Zionist walk in Jerusalem to express their support for Israel. We pray that people will have open minds and hearts, to be open to transformation, and to seek a just peace for all in this land.

This coming week, the World Council of Churches will host its United Nations Advocacy Week. This year the focus will be on Nigeria and Palestine/Israel. Sabeel will be represented in the participants. Let us pray that this advocacy week will help broaden the understanding of the situation in Nigeria and in Palestine and Israel. We pray people will be inspired to even greater peace-building and peacemaking efforts.

The Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) withdrew its support from a trip of Israeli mayors to Holland after it learned that settler council heads were among the group’s participants. Let us thank God for every time people speak out truth to power and pray that this experience will encourage others to find the courage to stand up for justice.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

16/9/10 - English

On September 21 Sabeel is organizing its first religious Christian–Muslim encounter in Nazareth. Under the theme “Sharing Life,” around 50-60 Christian and Muslim leaders will gather to discuss areas of common concern in an open and frank exchange. We pray that the participants will have a good experience seeking common ground.

The second round of direct peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis are being held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will lead the negotiations with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attending. We pray for an outcome which is just and equitable and which can lead to peace for all.

September 2010 is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We pray for the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem, with its pediatric oncology unit addressing the needs of Palestinian children. We pray also for access for patients from the West Bank and Gaza, and for all who look after the children's physical and social needs while they receive treatment.

In one month the latest Sabeel Witness Visit will get underway. We pray that people will continue to be open to learn about the Palestinian and Israeli people and the current political situation. We pray also for theological discernment and committed engagement for peacebuilding.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9/9/10 - English

This week participants of the monthly Open Forum, a project of the Sabeel Community Program, will discuss topics brought up during the recent Sabeel Women’s Conference in Bethlehem in order to give those who were not present at the conference the chance to reflect and activate new ideas within the community. Let us pray for equality, respect, and perseverance among all members of our society.

This Sunday, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel published a report outlining the “direct impact of Jewish settlement in Palestinian neighborhoods on the human rights of the original local residents” in East Jerusalem. The report determines that Israeli authorities including the police, the Housing Ministry, and the Jerusalem Municipality have contributed to steady violations of basic human rights and a serious disruption of the Palestinian way of life in the city. We pray that this report will inspire new advocates to speak out for justice.

Recently there has been an increase in cases of domestic violence in both Israel and the West Bank. Tensions and conflict within the community and the family are painful indicators of the state of our society today, and as we call on local leaders to make peace in their communities, we pray for strength and love. 

This week Israelis and Palestinians will be observing two major religious holidays: the Muslim Eid al Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, and the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. May this time of feasting and celebration bring a measure of peace to the friends and families of this land.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

2/9/10 - Français

Cette semaine voit les débuts des pourparlers de paix organisés par les États-Unis. Prions pour qu’il ne s’agisse pas de simples paroles qui laissent les colonies se développer encore plus et plus de terre palestinienne se faire exproprier, mais qu’ils soient brefs, loyaux et justes et qu’ils mettent fin à 43 années d’occupation, d’oppression, d’exil et de pauvreté.

Prions pour le respect entre les peuples et les religions. Au cours de la semaine où Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, le chef spirituel du parti ultra orthodoxe SHAS, a déclaré que les Palestiniens devraient “périr”, prions pour que toutes les personnes sensées condamnent de tels propos et consacrons notre énergie à rechercher la justice pour tous, ce qui pourra aussi nous mettre sur le chemin de la paix et de la réconciliation.

Comme les écoles font leur rentrée après les congés de l’été, les élèves israéliens vont recevoir des livres d’histoire expurgés des références à la Nakba (catastrophe de perte et d’exil) subie par le peuple palestinien lors de la création de l’état d’Israël. Prions pour que la possibilité soit donnée à tous les enfants, israéliens, palestiniens, américains, partout d’être initiés à l’histoire et aux obligations civiques indépendamment de la propagande politique et religieuse.  

Le Ramadan se poursuit dans la chaleur de l’été. Prions pour nos frères et nos sœurs qui se privent de nourriture et de boisson pendant ces jours. Prions aussi pour ceux qui cherchent à venir prier à Jérusalem et qui trouvent leur route barrée, qui subissent les intimidations et le harcèlement de soldats et de la police afin de les empêcher de de venir remercier Dieu dans leurs lieux les plus saints, le Haram a Sharif (l’Esplanade des Mosquées) à Jérusalem. Puisse Dieu les prendre tous en pitié.

2/9/10 - English

This week witnesses the beginnings of US engineered peace talks. We pray that these will not just be talks which allow the settlements to expand further and more Palestinian land to be expropriated, but that they will be short, fair and just and will bring an end to 43 years of occupation, oppression, displacement and misery.

We pray for respect between peoples and religions. In the week when Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of the ultra Orthodox SHAS party, said the Palestinians should "perish", we pray that all right thinking people will condemn such words and turn our energies to seeking justice for all, which can also lead us on the path to peace and reconciliation.

As schools return from the summer break, Israeli pupils will have rewritten history books* which remove references to the Nakba (catastrophe of loss and dislocation) the Palestinian people suffered when Israel came into being. We pray for opportunities for all children, Israeli, Palestinian, American, everywhere, to learn about history and civic engagement free from political and religious propaganda.

Ramadan continues in the summer heat. We pray for our brothers and sisters who fast from food and water in these days. We pray also for those who seek to worship in Jerusalem and who find their way blocked and themselves intimidated and harassed by soldiers and police trying to prevent them coming to give thanks to God in one of their holiest places, the Haram al Sharif in Jerusalem. May God be merciful to all.