Thursday, October 28, 2010

28/10/10 - English

We give praise for the strong call for justice in the statement from the Vatican’s Middle East Synod “urging the international community to take necessary legal steps to put an end to the occupation of the different Arab territories.” May all peace seekers be strengthened and encouraged to speak and act for justice and peace for all the peoples in this land.

We hold in prayer the city and people of Jerusalem as two Israeli Parliamentary bills threaten to limit Palestinian life in the city. One proposing that only Israeli citizens may lead tours in Jerusalem would exclude Palestinians tour guides with a Jerusalem ID or work permit, while another bill to make Jerusalem a national priority zone may increase Israeli building projects in East Jerusalem. We pray that the religious and cultural diversity that makes this city so special may be preserved for all peoples.

We give praise for programs that strengthen commitment to local community: the Nazareth Youth program this week will photograph Nazareth for a gallery exhibition, and on Friday a joint Sabeel Jerusalem-Nazareth Community program in Haifa will partake in spiritual and emotional nurture, cultural celebration, and educational opportunities. We pray that participants will be encouraged to continue to work on issues important for the community.

 We pray for the Presbyterian Church USA as its Israel/Palestine Mission Network voted to join the BDS (boycott, divest, sanctions) movement by boycotting goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories. We give thanks for such courageous action and pray for strength and encouragement for all who engage in the BDS movement.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

21/10/10 - English

We pray for all the Friends of Sabeel chapters around the world as they continue to educate, advocate and mobilize for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. We particularly pray that the regional conferences in the USA will have a strong impact on decision-makers in both religious and political circles in order to rectify the continuous wrongs and injustices in the area.

We continue to pray for the Jerusalem and West Bank communities where settler harrassment against the residents is rising. We are apalled at Israel’s arrogant decision to build 240 new housing units in Ramot and Pizgat Zeev in the Jerusalem area, in defiance of all diplomatic pressures for Israel to abide by moral and legal standards.

We hold in prayer the Jerusalem/Nazareth Sabeel’s Young Adult joint event in the Galilee, this week-end. The participants will, in addition to helping in the olive picking of the Sakhnin villagers, welcome   Nevine Nasrallah, the new Youth Coordinator, who is no stranger to  Sabeel since she got involved as a teenager, eleven years ago. May   God’s blessings encourage the young adults to serve as responsible citizens and peacebuilders.

ASHTAR Theatre in Palestine is mobilizing its long-built global artistic network to produce recitals of the Gaza Mono-logues with youth groups in 30 world cities in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and the USA. The campaign that started on October 17 will end at the United Nations in New York on November 29, Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Let us pray that drama and art will be able to achieve the just peace where politicians and decision-maker failed.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

14/10/10 - Français

Nous sommes dans la première des deux semaines du synode à Rome des évêques catholiques du Moyen Orient. Nous te remercions Seigneur pour cette occasion d’aborder les problèmes auxquels sont affrontés les Chrétiens du Moyen Orient, d’améliorer la communication entre les Églises catholiques qui y sont implantées et Rome et d’encourager aussi le dialogue interreligieux. Prions pour que ce soit une voie favorable à un dialogue conduisant à des actions concrètes de soutien aux Chrétiens et à toutes les populations du Moyen Orient.

Des Israéliens ont manifesté contre l’approbation par le gouvernement de l’amendement controversé à la loi sur la citoyenneté exigeant des non-juifs de jurer allégeance à Israël en tant qu’“état juif et démocratique”. Ils l’ont condamné comme discriminatoire, raciste et contraire à la déclaration d’indépendance d’Israël. Prions pour la réussite de mouvements contre cet amendements et contre d’autres lois discriminatoires, en particulier pour les 20% d’Arabes israéliens que cette loi va contribuer à exclure encore davantage.

Prions pour la communauté de Silwan au moment où les affrontements se poursuivent entre les habitants et les colons. Lundi, quatre jeunes adolescents ont été détenus et l’un d’entre eux a été blessé après que des agents secrets israéliens aient effectué un raid sur ce quartier de Jérusalem Est, tandis que le vendredi précédent un dirigeant des colons israéliens avait heurté deux enfants palestiniens avec sa voiture. Puisse cette violence et l’injustice qui en est à la racine finir rapidement.

Prions pour la Visite d’Automne de Témoignage de Sabeel qui commence ce jeudi et va durer jusqu’au vendredi 22 octobre. Souhaitons qu’il y ait une bonne organisation par les responsables, des propos clairs et convainquants des orateurs, et des cœurs et des esprits ouverts chez les participants afin qu’ils puissent rentrer chez eux en avocats de la paix et de la justice dans cette région.

14/10/10 - English

This is the first of a two week synod in Rome of Catholic bishops from the Middle East. We thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to discuss problems faced by Christians in the Middle East, to improve communications between the Catholic churches there and Rome, and to encourage interreligious dialogue. We pray that it will be a helpful avenue for dialogue that will lead to concrete actions in support of Christians and all peoples in the Middle East.

Israelis have been demonstrating against the Israeli cabinet's approval of a controversial amendment to the Law of Citizenship requiring non-Jews to pledge allegiance to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state."  They have condemned it as discriminatory, racist, and at odds with Israel’s Declaration of Independence. We hold in prayer the success of movements against this and other discriminatory laws, and especially for Israel’s 20% Arab population who will experience further exclusion under this law.

We pray for the Silwan community as clashes continue between residents and settlers. On Monday, four young teenage boys were detained and one was injured after undercover Israeli agents raided this neighborhood in East Jerusalem, while the Friday before an Israeli settler leader hit two Palestinian children with his car. May this violence and the injustice at its root come quickly to an end.

We hold in prayer Sabeel’s Fall Witness Visit that starts today and goes through Friday, Oct. 22. May there be smooth organization for the leaders, clear and compelling communication from the speakers, and open hearts and minds for the participants so they can return home as advocates for justice and peace in this region.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

7/10/10 - Français

La lauréate du prix Nobel de la paix Mairead Maguire a été emprisonnée à son arrivée à l’aéroport Ben Gourion puis expulsée sur décision de la Cour Suprême. La complicité du système judiciaire à l’occupation est une réalité quotidienne sur le terrain. Rendons grâce pour ceux qui la mettent en évidence et la défient et prions pour que prennet fin de tels parti pris et de telles discriminations.

Octobre marque le début de la récolte des olives, et cela a été marqué aussi par une attaque de colons contre des oliviers et contre des Palestiniens qui commençaient leur récolte annuelle. Prions pour la protection des oliviers et pour la sécurité des fermiers et de ceux qui les aident au cours de la récolte qui débute.

Un incendie criminel a endommagé la mosquée Al-Anbiya à Beit Fajjar, près de Bethléem. C’est la quatrième fois qu’une mosquée a été incendiée et vandalisée par des colons israéliens en Cisjordanie au cours de l’année écoulée. Les autorités israéliennes n’ont encore tenu personne responsable de l’une quelconque de ces attaques. Seigneur, entend notre prière pour ceux qui souffrent de persécutions de la part d’extrémistes, et sois aux côtés de ceux qui recherchent ta paix et ta consolation.

Dans les semaines à venir, des représentants de Sabeel vont circuler en Europe et aux États-Unis pour prendre la parole dans des conférences et dans des églises. Prions pour la sécurité au cours de leurs voyages et pour que leur témoignage ouvre les yeux de beaucoup sur le besoin de justice comme fondement d’une paix véritable dans cette région.

7/10/10 - English

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire was imprisoned on arrival at Ben Gurion airport and then deported after a Supreme Court intervention. Judicial complicity in the occupation is an every day reality on the ground. We give thanks for those who highlight and challenge it and pray for an end to such bias and discrimination.

October marks the beginning of the olive harvest, and this has been marked by a settler attack on olive trees and Palestinians beginning to pick their annual crop. We pray for the protection of the olive trees and the safety of all farmers and helpers during the coming harvest.

Arson damaged the Al-Anbiya Mosque in Beit Fajjar, near Bethlehem, the fourth time a mosque has been burnt and vandalized by Israeli settlers in the West Bank in the past year. Israeli authorities have yet to hold anyone accountable for any of these attacks. Lord, hear our prayer for those who suffer under extremist persecution, and be with all who seek your peace and comfort.

The coming weeks, representatives of Sabeel are traveling in Europe and the USA to speak in conferences and in churches. We pray for safety during their travels and that their witness will open the eyes of many to the need for justice as the basis of a true peace in this region.