Sunday, October 28, 2012

Japanese 28/10/2012

主よ、教会全体が、自らも一緒に捕らわれているつもりで牢に捕らわれている人たちのことを覚え、また、自らが苦しんでいるつもりで虐待されている人たちのことを覚えますように。 今日、あなたのみ前で、先週イスラエル軍事法廷で裁判にかけられた15歳のパレスチナの少年ライード・アル・アムーリのことを覚えます。逮捕され、裁判にかけられ、不正なやり方によって宣告を受けているあまりにもたくさんの子どもたち、青年たちのために祈ります。また、パキスタンの14歳の少女、マララ・ユスフザイのことも覚えます。彼女は女性の教育への権利を訴えて、タリバンの殺し屋に銃撃を受け、重傷を負いました。神よ、どうかあなたが、このような不正な恐ろしい状況に直面する全ての若い人々と共にいてくださいますように。主よ、御憐れみにより、私たちの祈りをお聞きください。

Friday, October 26, 2012

25/10/12 - English

Mighty God, please watch over and protect those caught up in unrest and fighting in Lebanon this week. As the assassination of Lebanon’s security chief Wissam Al-Hassan has aggravated sectarian divisions, we pray that Lebanon would not slip back into civil war. Please provide peaceful, rational ways for the country to respond to these latest events and prevent the further spread of violence. Lord, in your mercy…

Prince of Peace who wept over Jerusalem, we weep with you today over our divided city. We implore you, who conquered death, to help all your children triumph over the death that threatens to control our cities in the forms of hatred, racial division, and injustice. We hear of discouraging developments such as 800 newly-approved settlement units on confiscated West Bank land in Gilo or the Israeli military academy to be constructed on the Mount of Olives in occupied East Jerusalem. We beg you to show us your hope for the people of this city. Please, God, may Jerusalem truly become the City of Peace – an open city, shared respectfully by followers of all faiths and backgrounds. Lord, in your mercy...

Life-giving Creator, we bring before you the siege on Gaza that continues to deprive people of food, water, and other human necessities. Moreover, the blockade on Gaza deprives residents of what you endowed to all men and women when you created them: the gift of freedom. We praise you for those who would resist the blockade, like the Swedish ship Estelle that carried goods to deliver to Gazans. We pray for success in future efforts, and that no such groups who attempt to defend human rights would be treated instead as criminals. You have promised strength for the weary and justice for the oppressed. Please end the suffering and imprisonment of Gaza. Lord, in your mercy…

We also lift up the three Sabeel Witness Visits during October and November, asking that your Spirit would lead these groups into all truth and help them to respond in love. We pray especially for Bob & Maurine Tobin – long time volunteers at Sabeel and Coordinators of this year’s US witness visit – as Bob will be prevented from coming due to illness. We thank you that he is in recovery, and we pray for full healing. We also pray for effective ministry through this week’s Jerusalem & Nazareth Sabeel programs, such as Tuesday’s Open Forum, olive picking with the youth in Bethlehem over the weekend, and Nazareth youth volunteer work. Lord, in your mercy…

We pray, in solidarity with the World Council of Churches, for our brothers and sisters in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – for joy in all the beauty with which you have endowed these cultures, for relief from poverty and environmental challenges, for sustained peace and harmony. Lord, in your mercy....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Japanese 25/10/2012


Thursday, October 18, 2012

18/10/12 - English

Lord, may all the Church continue to remember those who are in prison as if we were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if we ourselves were suffering (Heb 13:3). 

Today, we remember before you 15-year-old Palestinian Raed Al Amouri from Jerusalem, tried by the Israeli Military Court last week. We lift up the overwhelming number of children and young men that are arrested, tried, and sentenced according to unjust methods. We also remember before you 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani schoolgirl who had campaigned for women’s rights to education and was gravely injured by Taliban gunmen. God, we cry out that you would accompany all such young people who face unjust and terrifying circumstances. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray in solidarity with Sufian Taha, previous owner of a home in Beit Hanina, East Jerusalem that was demolished this week. Lord, be with him in his grief and exasperation – and with the many who have experienced similar demolitions. Please provide for their needs and give them the courage and strength to work towards a government that would be fair to all. We bring before you the many newly approved settlement housing units soon to be constructed, asking that Israel would recognize these decisions as illegal and inherently devastating to the peace process. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we lift up the coming elections, both at home and abroad: First, for fair local municipal elections in Palestine and for the installation of Municipal Councils that will work diligently to bring about improvement of the conditions in the towns and villages and in the lives of the people under their jurisdiction. Second, for presidential elections in the United States, especially that both US candidates would recognize the urgent importance of developing better foreign policies towards peace for all. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray for this week’s Sabeel programs, namely that the Open Forum program to be led by Bishop William Shomali and the UK Witness Visit between the 20th and 28th of October will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we remember the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal – especially for those who have been internally displaced, and for our stateless brothers and sisters, the Rohingya people. Lord, in your mercy....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

11/10/12 - English

Lord, this week we lift up the continued violence against both Palestinian children which is perpetuated by occupation. Last Wednesday, at the Ibrahimi School in Hebron, a group of soldiers entered a playground full of children, harassing and threatening them. Jesus, give the soldiers eyes to see the absurdity of the situation, and prevent them from continuing this harassment. During this time of olive harvest, we also pray against increased settler aggression toward Palestinian farmers as many of the trees are uprooted, burned, or cut down, destroying much of the harvest. We ask for legal accountability for those responsible for these crimes. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray for the tiny country of Bahrain, still weathering political turmoil and violence since the Arab Spring reached it in February 2011. We thank you, God, for the acceptance of 158 of the 176 UN recommendations to Bahrain last month, and pray for their swift implementation, the alleviation of grave human rights abuses, and the realization of democracy. Ultimately, we pray for a lasting peace and justice in the country. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we lift up this week’s conference hosted by Sabeel and Al-liqa’ concerning the important role school curriculum plays in nurturing Muslim-Christian relations. We pray that the Palestinian Ministry of Education would see the importance of including multiple faith narratives in the classroom as we guide our children toward understanding and tolerance. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray finally for the various Sabeel programs this week, especially the important strategic meeting this Saturday, which will involve discussion and prayer over the vision and goals for the coming year. We pray that you would bless those who attend the Sabeel Nazareth youth film discussion on racism, that you would inspire them to act in love and fight racial hatred. And we ask a blessing on the Nazareth women’s book study, which highlights the problem of high rates of Palestinian emigration. We pray for courage for Palestinians to stay in the land despite the challenges, and for those who leave to someday return to stand with their people. Lord, in your mercy...

Along with the World Council of Churches, we intercede for the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 11/10/2012


11/10/12 - Français

Seigneur, nous te présentons la violence constante contre les enfants palestiniens qu’entretient l’occupation. Vendredi dernier, à l’école Ibrahimi de Hébron, un groupe de soldats est entré dans un terrain de jeux plein d’enfants pour les harceler et les menacer. Jésus, ouvre les  yeux des soldats pour qu’ils voient l’absurdité de la situation et empêche les de poursuivre ce harcèlement. Pendant cette période de la cueillette des olives, nous te prions aussi d’agir contre la recrudescence des attaques de paysans palestiniens par des colons tandis que des arbres sont déracinés, brulés ou abattus, détruisant une grande partie de la récolte. Nous demandons que les responsables de tels crimes aient à rendre des comptes à la justice. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Prions pour le minuscule pays de Bahrein, encore soumis à l’agitation politique et à la violence depuis qu’il a été gagné par le Printemps Arabe en février 2011. Nous te remercions, Dieu, pour l’acceptation le mois dernier,  de 158 des 176 recommandations des Nations Unies et te prions pour leur mise en œuvre rapide, pour la réduction des violations graves des droits humains et pour la réalisation de la démocratie. Prions enfin pour une paix et une justice durable dans ce pays. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te présentons la conférence organisée cette semaine par Sabeel et Al-liqa’ sur le rôle important du parcours scolaire dans l’éducation aux relations islamo-chrétiennes. Prions pour que le Ministère de l’Éducation comprenne l’importance qu’il y a à présenter plusieurs exposés de foi dans l’enseignement alors que nous guidons nos enfants vers la compréhension et la tolérance. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Prions enfin pour les divers programmes de Sabeel cette semaine, spécialement pour l’importante rencontre stratégique de cette semaine qui comportera des discussions et des prières pour les perspectives et les objectifs de l’année prochaine. Nous Te prions de bénir ceux qui participent à l’échange des jeunes de Sabeel Nazareth sur un film sur le racisme afin que Tu les conduises à agir avec amour et à combattre la haine raciale. Et nous Te demandons de bénir l’étude par les femmes de Nazareth d’un livre qui met en lumière le problème des taux élevés d’émigration chez les Palestiniens. Nous Te prions de donner courage aux Palestiniens qui restent dans ce pays malgré les défis et pour que ceux qui partent reviennent un jour vivre avec leur peuple. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

En union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises prions pour l’Afghanistan, le Kazakhstan, le Kyrgystan, la Mongolie, le Tadjikistan, le Turkmenista et l’Ouzbekistan. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

4/10/12 - English

Jesus, Son of Man, we cry out to you who had no place to lay your head (Lk 9:58), for all the people who have had to flee their homes in Syria. Please protect and provide for those who have been pushed to the margins of society, forced to abandon their homes because of continued shelling in Syrian cities. We pray especially for all the Palestinian refugees, who have now fled their place of residence a second or third time. Please provide a safe place of refuge for them in the countries surrounding Syria. Lord, in your mercy...

Jesus, Lord of the Harvest, we thank you for the perennial ripening of the olives, for the beauty and productivity of trees that have dotted this land for centuries. Now, as the time to harvest approaches, we remember the roughly 100,000 Palestinian families who depend on the olive industry for their livelihoods, especially those who have been disallowed to return to their own land to tend their trees. We pray for a restoration of their rights, not only to access the trees at harvest time but also to maintain them throughout the year. Expose the injustice imposed on those who are denied “visitor permits” to access their own land. Bless these farmers with abundance despite the unjust policies under which they suffer. Lord, in your mercy...

Jesus, to you who defends the orphan and widow, who breaks the chains of the oppressed, we pray now that your followers would do the same. We pray for the many international groups who will be visiting Sabeel in the coming months and for the presentations they will hear. May each speaker tell a true and powerful narrative of the situation here; may each visitor leave inspired to pray and work for a more just and peaceful world. Holy Spirit, empower these men and women to become advocates abroad, to preach about restorative justice and the real reconciliation that is possible because of you. Lord, in your mercy...

Jesus, to you who loves all people regardless of race or creed, we pray for two upcoming conferences: for the “Together Against Racism” Conference on October 4th in Bethlehem and for the Oct 11th conference on “The School Curriculum and Its Contribution Towards Living Together,” also in Bethlehem. Please make these conferences effective in their aims toward peace and tolerance. Lord, in your mercy...

In unity with other believers from the World Council of Churches, we pray for the needs of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 4/10/2012


4/10/12 - Français

Jésus, Fils de l’Homme qui n’avait pas de place où reposer Ta tête (Luc 9, 58), nous crions vers Toi pour tous les gens qui ont du fuir leur maisons en Syrie. Daigne accorder ta protection et ton assistance à ceux qui ont été repoussés aux marges de la société, qui ont été obligés d’abandonner leurs foyers à cause du bombardement incessant des villes syriennes. Prions en particulier pour tous les réfugiés palestiniens, qui ont du fuir leur lieu de résidence pour la seconde ou la troisième fois. Daigne leur assurer un lieu de refuge sûr dans les pays voisins de la Syrie. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Jésus, Maître de la Moisson, nous te remercions de faire toujours mûrir les olives, nous te remercions pour  la beauté et pour la production des arbres que porte cette terre depuis des siècles. Actuellement, alors qu’approche le temps de la récolte, nous pensons aux quelques 100.000 familles palestiniennes qui dépendent de l’industrie de l’olive pour leurs moyens d’existence, en particulier celles auxquelles il a été interdit de retourner à leurs propres terres pour s’occuper de leurs arbres. Prions pour la restauration de leurs droits, non seulement pour l’accès à leurs arbres au moment de la récolte, mais aussi pour leur entretien tout au long de l’année. Montrons l’injustice à laquelle sont soumis ceux à qui sont refusés des “permis de visite” pour avoir accès à leur propre terre. Accorde Tes bénédictions en abondance à ces fermiers malgré les politiques injustes dont ils souffrent. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Jésus, c’est à Toi, le défenseur de la veuve et de l’orphelin, à Toi qui brise les chaînes des opprimés, que nous adressons nos prières pour que tes disciples fassent de même. Nous te prions pour les nombreux groupes internationaux qui vont rendre visite à Sabeel au cours des prochains mois et pour les exposés qu’ils vont entendre. Puisse chaque intervenant faire un récit vrai et fort de la situation ici ; puisse chaque visiteur repartir avec la décision de prier et d’agir pour un monde plus juste et en paix. Saint Esprit, donne la force à ces hommes et à ces femmes de devenir dans le monde des avocats prêchant une justice de réparation et la réconciliation réelle que tu rends possible. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Jesus,  to you who loves all people regardless of race or creed, we pray for  two
upcoming conferences: for the "Together Against Racism" Conference  on October 4th
in Bethlehem and for the Oct 11th  conference on "The School Curriculum and Its
Contribution Towards Living  Together," also in Bethlehem. Please make these conferences
effective  in their aims toward peace and tolerance. Lord, in your mercy... Jésus, c’est à Toi qui aimes tous les hommes sans distinction de race ou de croyance que nous adressons nos prières pour deux conférences prochaines : la conférence “Ensemble contre le racisme” le 4 octobre à Bethléem et celle du 11 octobre sur “Le parcours scolaire et sa contribution au vivre ensemble,” également à Bethléem. Daigne faire que  ces conférences atteignent leurs objectifs de contribution à la paix et à la tolérance. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

En union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises, prions pour les besoins de l’Arménie, de l’Azerbeidjan et de la Géorgie. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.