Thursday, January 24, 2013

24/1/13 - English

Lord God, you alone are sovereign over the nations; you see both the good and the evil committed by individuals and governments. On occasion of the beginning of U.S. President Barak Obama’s second term in office, we pray that you would guide him into leading the country in making long-awaited decisions for peace and justice, especially with regard to Israel and Palestine. Lord would you help him to utilize this term to work towards ending the unremitting building of settlements, the 45 year long occupation, and the continuing violence against those who do not deserve it. May the USA and all the international community recognize the role they can and must play in this conflict – to put pressure on the government of Israel to end its abusive policies. Lord, in your mercy...

As we pray against injustices from occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, we pray also for the Arab citizens of Israel. Lord, would you hold Israel accountable to its claim of democracy. Raise up leaders, whether governmental or grassroots, who would lead the way to fair treatment and equality for all citizens. We especially pray against the mistreatment of Bedouin Israeli citizens, the demolishing of their villages, and their forced relocation. Please deliver these people from injustice. Lord, in your mercy...

Father in heaven, after another week of violence in Syria, we come to lay our burdens before you. Lord, our hearts break for all the families facing the pervasive violence, shelling, and unpredictable bombing. We especially lift up all those caught in the explosion at Aleppo University last week, which left over 80 people dead and over 160 wounded. We also pray for the many missing persons, like Sister Rima Nasri, who was last seen before the blasts and is still missing. Lord, in your mercy, please give our Syrian neighbors a reprieve and bring about peace as soon as possible. Lord, in your mercy...

We also pray for the work of Sabeel – Lord, please refine our efforts so that we would be always fruitful, relevant, full of salt and light for the world. We pray for the various international groups that continue to visit our office to learn about liberation theology and the situation in Israel and Palestine. Please raise up long-term workers for peace from among these visitors. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray in unity with the World Council of Churches for the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, and for the people of Western Sahara. Lord, in your mercy...

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