Thursday, January 31, 2013

31/1/13 - English

Lord, we praise you for the hope that you bring in the midst of tragedy. Still we find ourselves horrified by the violence and death the world has witnessed in the last week. Here at home, we mourn the loss of two more Palestinian young people in the West Bank, who were shot recently by Israeli soldiers. We pray for the family and friends of 21-year-old Lubna Hanash and 16-year-old Saleh Amareen. Be with them in their grief and be with the rest of us as we repudiate and stand against this occupation, which allows for the destruction of such young, innocent lives. Lord, please sustain us with hope and bring an end to this occupation soon. Lord, in your mercy....

We pray also for the neighboring countries of Egypt and Syria, where violence, upheaval, and division still appear to prevail. We pray for Egypt as the anniversary of the revolution last week has seen renewed protesting. God, would you accompany the Egyptian people – both those involved and those merely trying to carry on normal life. May there be only peaceful protesting, and may Tahrir square be a place for democratic revolution in the best sense – not for violence against protestors, lawlessness, sexual assault, or power grabs. We pray for Syria as the civil war continues. Please bring relief from the violence and provide for the basic needs of those displaced by the war. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we also pray for the people of Santa Maria, Brazil, where over 230 people were killed in a fire that started in a nightclub last weekend. Please comfort the bereaved families and bring your healing to the 80 or so people still suffering in the hospital. As this disaster ravages the community, Lord, may they rely on each other and would you provide hope for them for each new day. Lord, in your mercy...

Here at Sabeel, as we desire to bring hope, a just peace, and reconciliation, please help us and anoint our work. May we always find our inspiration and strength in Jesus. God, we lift up next Tuesday’s prayer service for the people of Syria & all who have been affected by the war. We ask that many people would come together in solidarity and intercession for our neighbors. We pray also for this week’s strategic planning meeting, that Sabeel would be guided by this process toward faithful and fruitful ministry. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, in unity with the World Council of Churches, we pray for the countries listed this week in the ecumenical prayer cycle: for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Lord, in your mercy...

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