Thursday, November 8, 2012

8/11/12 - English

Lord, today we begin with thanks for the refreshment of rain this week here in Jerusalem and surrounding areas this week, and ask that you in your faithfulness would send more rain soon to replenish the dry land and fill our reservoirs. In the light of delayed rains this season, please protect farmers from crop damage. God, as we think of environmental concerns, we also pray for everyone immersed in clean-up efforts following Hurricane Sandy. May neighbor help neighbor in time of need, would you provide quick relief as well as long-term provisions to those affected across all areas touched by the storm. Lord, in your mercy...

God we pray this week for the Coptic Church, and thank you for Sunday’s selection in Egypt of the 118th patriarch, Bishop Tawadros of the Diocese of Beheira. Please bless him with wisdom and an anointing of your Spirit in order that he might be a strong and humble leader for the church, walking in the way of love and directing the church into a future of peace and harmony. Lord, in your mercy...

God, heavy on our hearts are the many home demolitions in Area C, especially last week’s demolition of Beit Arabiya in the West Bank town of Anata, which has now been demolished for the sixth time. We thank you for the communal efforts of neighbors, internationals, and ICAHD to rebuild this home and peace center each time it is demolished. Thank for this vibrant work of resistance to injustice. May Beit Arabiya and the many other Palestinian homes with demolition orders be rebuilt, and may the families affected persist in courage and hope. Lord, in your mercy...

We lift up also this week’s Sabeel Programs. Please bless the work of Sabeel Nazareth, that they might strengthen the young people with the children’s meeting and youth meeting, and that women’s book study would continue to bear fruit as they meet weekly. We praise you for the two completed Witness Visits and thank you especially for the hard work and strong leadership of Omar Haramy, Tina Whitehead, Rev. Richard Toll, and Rev. Anne Clayton in making them a success. We lift up the work and the rich experiences that still lie ahead for the Netherlands Witness Visit and pray a blessing over Meta Floor in her leadership role. And though the trips end, may all those who have come and seen go home to work towards a just peace in Palestine-Israel. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the needs of all our sisters and brothers in the countries of Burundi, Congo, and Rwanda. Lord, in your mercy....

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