Thursday, April 4, 2013

4/4/13 - English

Lord, we find ourselves in a season of holidays and festivities – some joyful, like Resurrection Sunday, and some acknowledging terrible tragedies that have been perpetrated by and against the human race. In the coming days, as we remember the Deir Yassin Massacre of 1948 and acknowledge the horrors of the Holocaust and the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides, we pray desperately that these horrors would never be repeated. God, would you comfort all the survivors of these terrible events who may still suffer from unforgettably painful memories. Lead us all out of cycles of violence into the way of peace and neighborly love. Lord, in your mercy...

On the occasion of another holiday – Palestinian Child’s Day – this Friday, we ask your protection on these young and vibrant, but vulnerable lives.  For all the children living under the restrictions of occupation, for those that must pass through checkpoints to reach their schools, for child prisoners and those who have undergone or witnessed trauma, merciful God, we ask your special safeguarding and comfort. Would you give their parents wisdom as they raise their children in such a difficult context, and would you fortify these children with resiliency and courage. Ultimately, we pray for an end to the occupation that introduces these oppressive challenges into young lives. Lord, in your mercy...
Within Sabeel, Lord, we pray for the many upcoming events: for Nazareth’s Youth Trip to the depopulated village of Iqrith this Saturday, for the joint Jerusalem-Nazareth community event in Nazareth next Tuesday, and for the many groups and visitors that will pass through Sabeel’s doors this week and next. We especially pray for a successful LA-Orange County FOSNA conference in Pasadena this weekend. Lord, we also want to recognize and thank you for the lives and work of two Sabeel staff members: for Mary Sahhar, who just finished her work with Sabeel last week, and for new staff member Ann Saba, who began her work this week. Please bless them and their families as they transition into new roles. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray in solidarity with the World Council of Churches for the people of Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore. Lord, in your mercy...

This event occurred after the Wave of Prayer was sent out and needs our prayers:

Lord, we are grieved by the recent death of 64 year old Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh, a prisoner and terminally ill cancer patient who died Tuesday.  We are troubled by the details of his death:  that he died chained to his bed after undergoing chemotherapy; that his family had repeatedly been denied their request to bring him home to die peacefully; and that they had not even been allowed to visit him on his deathbed.  We pray for comfort for his wife, children and family in their time of grief.   We pray for all prisoners, especially administrative detainees on hunger strike and close to death, and also those who are in need of not just medical but basic humane care.  Lord, the people here are angry.  We know that you hear their cries and that you weep with all those who suffer from injustice.  We pray that the world will also hear their cries and respond so that this tragedy does not lead to serious unrest.  Lord, in your mercy…

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