Thursday, February 27, 2014

27/2/14 - English

God of Mercy, as the UN adopts resolutions meant to provide aid to Syrians in besieged towns, we know the difficult road ahead in actually delivering the help to those in need. We ask that you make the aid workers’ paths straight and clear, and that you ultimately bring a just end to this senseless war. Lord in your mercy…

God of Peace, while we continue to pray for the people of Syria, we cannot forget to also pray for the people of Lebanon. Bomb blasts have again rocked Beirut, threatening the stability of the country and destroying the lives of innocent civilians. Please protect and bless these people, and again we say: bring an end to the violence that consumes the region. Lord in your mercy…

God of Justice, “price tag” attacks by extremist Israeli settlers are on a steady increase, with the slashing of thirty Palestinians’ cars’ tires in BeitSafafa, in addition to acts of vandalism in the West Bankandother East Jerusalem neighborhoods. We pray for justice for the victims, that the police would not ignore these racist acts, and that love would triumph over hate. Lord in your mercy…

God of Hope, thank you for your unending faithfulness as Sabeel goes through significant transitions this year. Please bless the travels of Rev. NaimAteek, who will be speaking at several conferences in the United States over the next few weeks. We ask your blessing on Sabeel’s activities this week, including a youth trip by Sabeel Nazareth, meetings with groups, and the commencement of our school program in Jerusalem. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray along with the World Council of Churches for the countries of France and Germany. Lord in your mercy…

Monday, February 24, 2014

Japanese 27/2/2014

(*) 「プライス・タグ(値札)」攻撃:入植地に反する行動に代価を支払わせる運動の名称。2005年のガザ撤退を機に、イスラエル人入植者の過激分子が始めた。

Thursday, February 20, 2014

20/2/14 - English

Lord, we lift up the Central African Republic to you, decrying the horrific atrocities committed recently by people who claim a Christian faith. We condemn these acts, many of which are too graphic to mention and too horrifying to consider, committed on the basis of ethnic hatred. Lord, we ask you to empower the international community to condemn this violence, and we pray that you raise up a generation of peacemakers among the people of CAR. Lord in your mercy…

God of Peace, we pray for your protection over the refugees, the children, the dispossessed, and the suffering around the world, particularly remembering the people of Syria. You take away the sin of the world, and we ask that you would grant us your peace. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, as the peace process continues here in Palestine, we ask for courage for the leaders involved, that they may put asidepolitical manipulation in favor of bold truth-telling, stand up for justice instead of national interests, and seize upon opportunities to build a lasting peace. Lord in your mercy…

Gracious God, we continue to ask your blessing on Sabeel during this difficult time of transition; the search has begun for a new director, and we ask that you be present in our discernment through this process. We continue to give you thanks for the blessing of our local programs, including a joint trip to the Negev and groups visiting our offices this week. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain. Lord in your mercy…

Japanese 20/2/2014

※ 中央アフリカ共和国は、今年に入ってからキリスト教徒民兵によるイスラム教徒市民への攻撃が激化し、国際人権団体や国連が「民族浄化が起きている」と危機感を表明する事態になっ

Thursday, February 13, 2014

13/2/14 - English

Merciful God, we give you thanks for the successful evacuation efforts in Homs, Syria, and ask that you would keep this path open for aid to reach these people. Ultimately, Lord, we pray for you to pave the way for a just peace to take hold in this land so that no one must suffer like this anymore. Lord in your mercy…

According to human rights organizations in Palestine and Israel, Israeli demolitions of Palestinian houses are at a five-year high, with 663 buildings demolished in 2013. Just this week, Israeli forces demolished houses in several East Jerusalem neighborhoods, including Jabal al-Mukabbir and Silwan. In light of these ongoing injustices, we ask that you would empower the international community to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in saying “no more” to dispossession, discrimination, and inequality. Lord in your mercy…

With one of the driest winters on record, Palestinian farmers across the country are suffering crop failures and hardship. Hear your people’s cries, and bless us with rain to nourish both the land and our spirits. Lord in your mercy…

Gracious Lord, Sabeel has been blessed with new opportunities in our local programs, and we give you praise for the work we are beginning in schools and in educating young people. Please continue to bless our work, including a youth meeting and a women’s meeting by the Sabeel Nazareth office and the Young Adult Quiz Night this Friday in Ramallah. Lord in your mercy... 

Lord, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Lord in your mercy…

Japanese 13/2/2014


13/2/14 - Français

Dieu de miséricorde, nous te rendons grâce pour la réussite des actions d’évacuation à Homs en Syrie et nous te demandons de faire que ce passage reste ouvert pour que l’aide puisse arriver à ces gens. Enfin, Seigneur, nous te prions de préparer les conditions pour qu’une paix juste s’installe sur cette terre afin que plus personne n’ait encore à supporter de telles souffrances. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Selon les organisations de droits humains de Palestine et d’Israël, les démolitions par les Israéliens de maisons palestiniennes ont atteint, sur les cinq dernières années, un sommet avec 663 immeubles démolis en 2013. Cette semaine seulement, les forces israéliennes ont démoli des maisons dans plusieurs quartiers de Jérusalem Est, dont Jabal al-Mukabbir et Siwan. Au vu de ces injustices qui se poursuivent, nous te prions de donner à la communauté internationale la force de se dresser, en solidarité avec le peuple palestinien, pour dire “arrêtez” les expropriations, les discriminations et les inégalités. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Avec l’un des hivers les plus secs jamais enregistrés, dans l’ensemble du pays, les fermiers palestiniens souffrent de mauvaises récoltes et de la dureté de la situation. Entends les cris de ton peuple et apporte-nous la bénédiction de la pluie pour nourrir à la fois la terre et nos âmes. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Dieu de bonté, Sabeel bénéficie de nouvelles perspectives pour ses programmes locaux, et nous te louons pour le travail que nous entreprenons dans des écoles et pour la formation des jeunes. Daigne continuer à bénir notre travail, dont une rencontre de jeunes et une rencontre de femmes à Sabeel Nazareth ainsi qu’une soirée de jeu de quiz ce vendredi à Ramallah. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te prions en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour les populations de Belgique, du Luxembourg et des Pays-Bas. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

6/2/14 - English

Lord, we thank you that some help has made it to the people of Yarmouk camp, but we recognize the immense need still present and ask that you keep the way open for relief to come to these people. We also pray for those caught in the airstrikes in Aleppo and implore you to put an end to these indiscriminate and merciless killings. Lord in your mercy…

Over the weekend, Israeli settlers near Ramallah uprooted over one thousand newly planted olive trees, transforming this symbol of peace into a tool of oppression. Lord, we pray a special prayer of blessing and protection for Palestinian farmers, knowing that these people who work so closely with your creation often face the most pointed injustices. Please bless the farmers with rain, productivity, safety, and joy in your nature. Lord in your mercy…

Gracious God, in light of World Cancer Day on Tuesday, we join together to pray for people around the world suffering from cancer. Please heal, comfort, and dwell with those who have lost loved ones and those currently afflicted. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we ask your blessing on all of Sabeel’s programs this week, including a youth program in Jerusalem on Friday, Sabeel Nazareth’s family retreat this weekend in Jenin, and visits to Zababdeh and Burqin. Lord in your mercy…

Lord, we pray alongsidethe World Council of Churches for the countries ofIreland and the United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Lord in your mercy…

Japanese 6/2/2014


6/2/14 - Français

Seigneur, nous te remercions pour l’aide apportée aux gens du camp de Yarmouk, mais nous avons conscience de l’immensité des besoins qui restent à satisfaire et nous te demandons de faire en sorte que les secours puissent parvenir à ces gens. Nous te prions aussi pour ceux qui subissent les frappes aériennes à Alep et t’implorons de mettre fin à ces tueries aveugles et impitoyables. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Au cours du weekend, près de Ramallah, des colons israéliens ont déraciné plus d’un millier d’oliviers nouvellement plantés, faisant de ce symbole de paix un outil d’oppression. Seigneur, nous t’adressons une prière pressante pour que tu bénisses et protèges les paysans palestiniens, conscients que ces gens qui sont par leur travail si proches de ta création subissent souvent les injustices les plus graves. Daigne leur accorder la faveur de pluies, de fertilité et de joie dans ta nature. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Dieu de bonté, en vue de la Journée Mondiale du Cancer mardi, nous nous rassemblons pour prier pour les gens qui, dans le monde, souffrent du cancer. Daigne guérir, soulager et accompagner ceux qui ont perdu des êtres chers et ceux qui sont actuellement éprouvés. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te prions de bénir tous les programmes de Sabeel pour cette semaine, un programme pour les jeunes à Jérusalem, la retraite de la famille Sabeel de Nazareth à Jenin ce weekend, et les visites à Zababdeh et Burqin. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te prions en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour les populations d’Irlande et du Royaume Uni : Angleterre, Irlande du Nord, Écosse et Pays de Galles. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.