Thursday, December 8, 2011

8/12/11 - English

“Wisdom calls aloud in the street, raising her voice in the public squares…” We cry out with lady Wisdom today as we mourn the ongoing sexual harassment and violation of female-bodied people.  Several high profile rape and murder cases in Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Palestine surfaced this week, reminding us of the daily struggle for justice and voice that the majority of women around the world endure.  We pray that perpetrators of violence against women will be held accountable for their actions.  Lord in your mercy…

Celebrations in Palestine and around the world this week affirmed the gifts and talents of differently-abled people.  We are grateful for the cultural events and political actions that physically and mentally challenged activists organized, to focus on the issues and rights of differently-abled Palestinians, and promote gains to be derived from their integration in every aspect of community life.  We seek God’s help to make society more amicable to them, and we feel the pain of the situation surrounding their disablement (as the Israeli army’s reaction to the first intifada, and its Cast Lead operations left record numbers of Palestinians paralyzed).  We pray for affirmation and access for all citizens.  Lord in your mercy…

We are grateful to have the chance to experience another Advent, and celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world.  We pray that the Christmas Message we published this week will inspire action and conversations around the world this holiday season. (Available at Lord in your mercy…

Waiting is easier in company, and Sabeel’s programs have joined their efforts during Advent. We pray for the upcoming women and clergy program in Jericho, and the Sabeel women’s meeting in Nazareth.  May the faith of each of the participants be encouraged by their fellow travelers.  Lord in your mercy…

With the World Council of Churches we pray for Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal. Lord in your mercy…

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