Wave of Prayer
Oct 27, 2016
Friday Israeli settlers confiscated 300 Dunums (133 acres) of Palestinian land in the Jordan Valley,
shortly after the meeting of the UN Security Council in which all 15 members
including the US agreed that the settlements have been an obstacle to peace for too
long and must end.
We pray that the Security Council will be able to go
beyond statements and live up to its responsibility and mandate to remove that
obstacle, so that all the people of our
region will at long last live in peace.
Lord in your mercy…
29th of October commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Kufr Qassem massacre
in the Galilee when the Israeli military opened fire on Palestinian farmers and
their families coming home from
olive-picking, not realizing that a curfew had been imposed
after they had left the town in the morning. Forty nine people were killed and around
sixty injured in that massacre.
We pray for all the families who lost dear ones on
that day and for all the survivors who continue to be haunted by the memory of
that massacre. For many of them the
suffering and discrimination continue.
We pray for all Palestinian Israeli citizens who are constantly
struggling for their equal rights in a
state that claims to be democratic. Lord in your mercy…
all the deprivation and on-going violations of human rights, the Palestinians
are still able to enjoy life. We are
grateful to two young musicians of Palestinian roots who were in Palestine
this past week, Karim Said, a pianist, and Mariam Tamari an opera singer
who had separate performances in which each of them excelled and helped lift up our spirits.
We pray for safe travel for those young artists, and
we pray that such talents continue to be blessed and be a source of joy to
their audiences. Lord in your mercy…
will be holding its annual Ecumenical Clergy Retreat next Monday 24th to
Wednesday 26th of October. . The retreat, under the title of " The Other -
A Blessing or a Curse ", will take place at the Carmelite Convent of
Stella Maris on Mt. Carmel in Haifa, and will also include the spouses of
married clergy. A number of distinguished clergy will address this
important subject, including Rev. Ateek, the chairman of the Sabeel Board.
We pray dear Lord for your blessing on this Retreat
and for the ecumenical spirit that prevails in the Sabeel programs. Guide the speakers and the participants to be
nourished by this fellowship, and help them disseminate the right attitude in
their parishes so that the “Other” will be a Blessing. Lord in your mercy…
We join the World Council of Churches by praying for the
countries of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Lord in your mercy…