Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/2/12 - English

How many times must a house get knocked down, before the bulldozers will halt?  The Israeli army demolished Beit Arabiya, the Peace Center of the Israeli Coalition Against Home Demolitions (ICAHD), for the fifth time last week.  They also destroyed structures of Bedouins in the Anata area, leaving 20 people, including children, homeless and stranded in the middle of the night.  House demolitions and forced evictions nearly doubled in 2011, and the pace has only increased during the first month of this new year. We mourn the loss with the families. We pray that Palestinians everywhere will be able to build in freedom and safety, with access to a nondiscriminatory zoning and planning system that allows for their needs for growth, development, and safety. Lord, in your mercy…

We pray for the poor, during this tough winter and uncertain economic times. We ask that they feel God’s loving presence, and that those who have enough do all that they can to care for the poor and work for justice.  With the recent price hike in natural gas and increase of the municipal tax, things are especially rough for low-income people. We pray for wisdom and the will to reach out to one another in order to collectively thrive. Lord, in your mercy…

We thank God for the creativity of the young people involved with Sabeel programs. International and local young adults will meet to paint on the separation wall towering above Bethlehem on Saturday, and the Sabeel youth of Nazareth will gather to plan exciting and meaningful programming for their next six months.  We pray that the meetings will draw them closer to God and to one another…that they might find strength to overcome the unjust burden occupation places on them.  We pray that God raises up leaders from among them to join the international struggle for justice and peace in this land.  Lord, in your mercy…

Women from Palestine’s top volleyball and basketball teams will compete this week in the Arab Women’s Sports Championships. This is the first championship of its kind, and we are grateful that Palestine teams will be represented in the competition in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. We pray that the teams will have safe travels, build camaraderie, and represent Palestine well.  We pray that this experience will be empowering and encouraging. Lord, in your mercy…

With the World Council of Churches we pray for the churches and populations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.  Lord, in your mercy… 

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