Thursday, June 7, 2012

7/6/12 - English

The kingdom of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough… We praise God for the news that the governments of South Africa and Denmark, as well as Switzerland’s largest retail chain Migros, will demand correct and identifiable labeling of products from Israeli settlements, which until this point masquerade as products of Israel proper.  Like the yeast of the dough, these small but significant steps to pressure companies that profit from the inhumane Israeli occupation of Palestine are part of the larger process of economic transformation toward peace and justice.  We pray other governments and companies will follow the example of South Africa, Denmark, and Migros in Switzerland. Lord in your mercy…

This week marks the 45th year of the 6-day war that resulted in the occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. We pray for an end to the occupation of Palestine, and freedom and liberation of all of the people of this land. Lord in your mercy…

We pray for the interfaith program this weekend in the Galilee which will discuss “how the school curriculum contributes to fostering the ability to live together as Muslims and Christians in Palestine.” We are grateful for those who have studied the topic and pray that the day’s discussion will translate into action with regards to how important tolerance and living together is for our shared future.  Lord in your mercy…

We pray for Sabeel Nazareth’s women’s program which will meet in Haifa this week, as well as their youth program, which will view the movie Jenin, Jenin and discuss it, as well as the dynamics of the court case involving director Mohammed Bakri.  May this event be enlightening for all, to examine the power of Palestinian media, and its interaction with the Israeli state. Lord in your mercy…

Human Rights lawyer and director of the Defense of Children International (DCI), Gerard Horton, will speak to the issue of Palestinian children held in Israeli jails for Sabeel Jerusalem’s Study Circle today.   DCI conducted a report that found that there is a systematic pattern of ill-treatment of children held in the military detention system.   We pray for the many incarcerated Palestinian children, and for their families.  May this event stir the hearts of those who attend.  Lord in your mercy…

With the World Council of Churches, we specifically pray for the churches and populations of Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland.  Lord in your mercy… 

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