Saturday, December 22, 2012

Japanese 22/12/2012


Thursday, December 20, 2012

20/12/12 - English

In the midst of this Christmas season, we take time to thank God for the many wonderful people around us, for those who love and support us, for our partners, for those who tirelessly work for peace.

Lord, we give you praise for all our friends around the world who support us in many varied capacities, including those who faithfully pray with us using this Wave of Prayer.  Please bless them and all their loved ones. We give thanks for their continuous commitment and warm friendship, asking you to strengthen our fellowship with them in the work for justice and peace. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we give thanks for all the Friends of Sabeel groups around the world. It is such a blessing to be accompanied by these friends in North America, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Oceania. Please bless everyone connected with these groups. Thank you for their solidarity. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray also for staff and volunteers of Sabeel Jerusalem and Sabeel Nazareth, especially remembering the dedicated work of Assis Naim, Sawsan, Mary, Omar, Nicolas, Hiba, Megan, Violette, and Lana. We pray for the Sabeel Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. Please bless their lives and work. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray for the United Nations and its work around the world, for the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and all the staff of the UN’s different branches of work. Please guide and empower the UN to work for the common good. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray for the work of the World Council of Churches. God we praise you for the work they do for the family of faith worldwide. We remember the General Secretary Olav Fykse Tveit and all of the WCC staff, and ask your blessing upon them. We pray for all ecumenical councils of churches around the world.  And as we finish out this year’s prayer cycle, we lift up the countries of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Ghana, Nigeria. Lord, in your mercy…

Merry Christmas to all, and many blessings as you greet the New Year. This will be our final Wave of Prayer for the year; we will resume on January 10, 2013. Click to read Sabeel’s 2012 Christmas message.

20/12/12 - Français

En ce temps de Noël,  prenons le temps de remercier Dieu pour tant de gens autour de nous qui nous aiment et nous soutiennent, pour nos partenaires, pour ceux qui inlassablement œuvrent pour la paix. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te louons pour tous nos amis dans le monde qui nous apportent leur soutien de diverses façons, dont ceux qui fidèlement prient avec nous en utilisant la vague de prière ; daigne les bénir eux et tous ceux qui leur sont chers. Nous te remercions pour leur engagement permanent et leur chaude amitié, et nous te demandons de conforter notre amitié avec eux pour travailler à la justice et à la paix. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous te remercions pour tous les groupes d’Amis de Sabeel dans le monde. C’est une telle bénédiction d’être accompagnés par ces amis en Amérique du Nord, au Canada, au Royaume Uni, en Irlande, aux Pays Bas, en France, en Allemagne, au Danemark, en Norvège et en Océanie. Daigne bénir tous ceux qui sont en lien avec ces groupes. Merci pour leur solidarité. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Nous te prions aussi pour le personnel et les bénévoles de Sabeel Jérusalem et Sabeel Nazareth, en pensant au dévouement de Assis Naim, Sawsan, Mary, Omar, Nicolas, Hiba, Megan, Violette et Lana. Nous te prions pour l’équipe de direction de Sabeel et pour son Comité Exécutif. Daigne bénir leurs vies et leur travail. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Nous te prions pour les Nations Unies et leur travail dans le monde, pour le Secrétaire Général Ban Ki-moon et tout le personnel des différentes branches d’activité des Nations Unies. Daigne guider les Nations Unies et leur donner le pouvoir de travailler pour le bien commun. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Nous te prions enfin pour le travail du Conseil Œcuménique des Églises. Dieu, nous te louons pour le travail qu’il effectue pour la famille des croyants dans le monde entier. Nous pensons au Secrétaire Général Olav Fykse Tveit et à toute l’équipe du COE, et nous appelons ta bénédiction sur eux. Nous te prions pour tous les conseils œcuméniques d’Églises du monde. Et en cette fin de cycle annuel de prière, nous  présentons à ta miséricorde le Bénin,  la Côte d’Ivoire, le Togo, le Ghana et le Nigeria. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

      Joyeux Noël à tous, et beaucoup de bénédictions pour accueillir la nouvelle année. Ce sera notre dernière vague de prière de l’année, nous reprendrons le 10 janvier 2013. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Japanese 15/12/2011


Thursday, December 13, 2012

13/12/12 - English

Lord Jesus, you suffered violence at the hands of human beings so that we might be free of it, so that we might be reconciled to one another. Now, may we humans not reject that opportunity. It seems that each time we are on the right path toward peace, fiery and provocative speeches from both Israeli and Palestinian extremists threaten to dissolve our hopes for real resolution. We reject such provocations – whether in word or deed – and cry out for a new commitment among all people to peaceful, nonviolent means of achieving justice and safety for all. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we celebrate the Declaration of Human Rights on Human Rights Day (Monday, Dec 10), and we long to see those statements become reality in all countries of the world. We especially pray for Arab citizens of Israel who suffer inequality and grave violations of human rights, and also for Palestinians living under occupation. As turmoil in neighboring countries of Egypt and Syria continues, we ask desperately for an end to violence and human rights abuses and for good, just leaders who will serve the people selflessly. Lord, in your mercy...

As winter ushers in harsher weather, we think of all people who are suffering from lack of food or shelter and from destroyed homes or businesses in the wake of the many environmental catastrophes this fall. We remember those who suffered earthquakes all over the world, those still rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy, and especially for the many people in the Philippines who suffered the effects of category five Typhoon Bopha just last week. Please help all of us in the international community to chart a path into a more environmentally sustainable future. Lord, in your mercy...

God, we come before you grateful for last week’s successful interfaith conference and a positive response from the ministry of education regarding the suggestions made for school curricula. We continue to ask for fruitful upcoming Sabeel programs, especially the Ecumenical Christmas Dinner this Saturday. As we look to next year, we ask for your provision and inspired creativity as we plan for the Global Young Adult Festival in summer 2013. Please bless Bonganjalo Mbenenge, past conference participant, as he shares the vision for this upcoming festival at the African Youth Conference on Democracy and Good Governance in Mozambique this week. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for our brothers and sisters living in Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 13/12/2012


Japanese 13/12/2012


13/12/12 - Français

Seigneur Jésus, tu à souffert de violence aux mains d’êtres humains afin que nous puissions en être libérés et afin que nous soyons réconciliés les uns avec les autres. Aujourd’hui, puissent les humains que nous sommes ne pas rejeter cette chance. Il semble qu’à chaque fois que nous sommes sur le bon chemin vers la paix des discours violents et provocateurs, aussi bien des extrémistes israéliens que palestiniens, viennent faire s’évanouir nos espoirs d’une solution réelle. Nous condamnons ce genre de provocations – qu’il s’agisse de paroles ou d’actes – et nous appelons à un nouvel engagement de tous en faveur de moyens pacifiques, non-violents, d’obtenir la justice et la sécurité pour tous. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous avons célébré la Déclaration des Droits Humains lors de la Journée des Droits Humains (lundi 10 décembre), et nous sommes impatients d’en voir les principes se traduire dans la réalité de tous les pays du monde. Nous te prions en particulier pour les citoyens arabes d’Israël qui souffrent d’inégalité et de graves violations des droits humains, et aussi pour les Palestiniens qui vivent sous occupation. Alors que l’agitation continue dans les pays voisins d’Égypte et de Syrie, nous demandons désespérément la fin de la violence et des violations des droits humains ; nous demandons aussi des dirigeants bons et justes qui soient au service du peuple de façon désintéressée. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Alors que l’hiver amène un temps plus rude, pensons à tous les gens qui souffrent du manque de nourriture ou d’abri et à ceux qui ont perdu leur maison ou leur activité du fait des nombreuses catastrophes environnementales de cet automne. Souvenons-nous de ceux qui ont souffert de tremblements de terre dans le monde entier, de ceux qui reconstruisent après l’ouragan Sandy, et en particulier des gens nombreux qui aux Philippines viennent, la semaine dernière, de souffrir des effets du Typhon de niveau cinq Bopha. Daigne, Seigneur, nous aider tous, au sein de la communauté internationale, à tracer un chemin vers un avenir de meilleure préservation de l’environnement. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Dieu, nous nous présentons à toi avec reconnaissance pour la réussite de la conférence interreligieuse de la semaine dernière et pour la réponse positive du ministère de l’éducation aux suggestions faites pour les programmes scolaires. Nous continuons à te prier pour de prochains programmes fructueux de Sabeel, en particulier le diner œcuménique de Noël ce vendredi. Pour l’année prochaine, nous te prions de nous apporter ton aide et d’inspirer notre créativité pour la préparation du Festival Mondial des Jeunes Adultes de l’été 2013. Daigne bénir Bonganjalo Mbenenge, participant de la dernière conférence, qui présente cette semaine la vision de ce prochain festival à la Conférence Africaine pour la Jeunesse sur la Démocratie et la Bonne Gouvernance au Mozambique. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Nous te prions enfin, en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises, pour nos frères et nos sœurs du Cap Vert, de la Gambie, de la Guinée, de la Guinée-Bissau et du Sénégal. Seigneur, dans ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

6/12/12 - English

After much praying and hoping, today we offer up profound gratitude that Palestine was granted its request at the United Nations bid. Lord, we thank you for this historic event. May it truly be a step towards peace for all, and may Israel recognize that its own welfare is tied up also in Palestine’s welfare. Thank you, for the many nations that stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their request, and we pray for continued and even stronger solidarity from the international community. Lord, in your mercy...

Father, you are the giver of good gifts who knows what your children need. We ask boldly now that you would not allow the building of the recently announced 3,000 new settlement housing units approved for the E1 area of East Jerusalem. Your children need respite from this pro-longed conflict, so we ask that Israel would not be allowed to build illegally on this Palestinian land, essentially cutting off Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank and nullifying the option of a two-state solution. Give us rest; give us enduring peace. Lord, in your mercy...

With Christmas approaching, we remember the Advent of Christ – the astounding moment when God condescends to dwell with us humans and ushers in God's Kingdom of peace, joy, love, and justice. Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gift of your presence already transforming the world. Yet we also pray for places all over the world that are currently immersed in conflict. We especially lift up the people of Syria, Egypt, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Nigeria as they battle through internal political turmoil, regime changes, civilian casualties, and violence from religious extremists. Please speed the arrival of peace and justice to those in need. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord of the Harvest, you send us out as workers, and now we ask your blessing on the many things going on at Sabeel this month. Thank you for another successfully published Cornerstone edition. We ask that it, along with Thursday’s Interfaith Conference, would build new bridges for uniting people across religions. Lord, we also pray for good attendance and rich shared fellowship at both Sabeel’s Ecumenical Christmas Dinner and Kairos Palestine’s three-year anniversary celebration this Friday. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the needs of people in the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 6/12/2012


Thursday, November 29, 2012

29/11/12 - English

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). Lord Most High, we run willingly to your shelter, calling out for you to protect all the communities in Gaza who now face an appalling lack of shelter from last week’s bombings. Lord, would you provide material resources as people seek to rebuild homes and infrastructure and heal the injured. Would you bring comfort for those who grieve, and psychological healing for the many who experienced trauma – especially the children. Oh, that Gaza’s pain would not be forgotten and that peacemakers would rise up to work for justice. Lord, in your mercy...

God, we long to see this long-lasting conflict in Israel-Palestine ended and a just peace established in all the land. Today as Palestine’s bid for non-member observer state status goes to the UN, we hope for a step towards recognition of Palestinian legitimacy and right to self-determination. We pray that the human rights of all people would be respected, and we pray against any unforeseen negative consequences of this action. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray also for our neighbors in Egypt after President Morsi made a strong decree increasing his powers last week. Lord, please bring about a speedy and peaceful resolution to the conflict that would usher in true democracy, with representation for all and a stabilized situation. Lord, in your mercy...

We thank you, Lord, for the beginning of Advent this weekend – for valuing humanity enough to become one of us, for taking on flesh and teaching us how to love. As we remember this event, may your love be evidenced among us – especially as we begin the season with a Sabeel Women’s visit to the Orthodox Four Homes of Mercy in Bethany, and later as we join together for the Ecumenical Sabeel Christmas Dinner. Lord, please use these events as well as the upcoming Interfaith program on school curricula & religious discourse to build true community and further your kingdom. We pray also for Sabeel Nazareth’s programs, especially for the conference on "Nazareth in the eyes of its people." Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 29/11/2012

神よ、私たちはこの長く続くイスラエル・パレスチナ紛争に終止符が打たれ、正義に立つ平和が全地に樹立されることを熱望しています。 今日、パレスチナの「オブザーバー国家」資格を求める申請が出されるにあたり、私たちはそれがパレスチナの民族自決への権利とその正当性の承認への一歩となる希望を抱いています。どうかすべての人々の人権が大切にされますように、またこのことが予想できない否定的な結果を引き起こしませんように。主よ、御憐れみにより、私たちの祈りをお聞きください。

29/11/12 - Français

“Celui qui se tient à l’abri du Très-Haut passe la nuit à l’ombre du Dieu-Souverain” (Psaume 91, 1). Seigneur Très-Haut, nous courons volontiers vers ton abri, en T’appelant à protéger toutes les communautés de Gaza qui sont maintenant face à un terrible manque d’abris à la suite des bombardements de la semaine dernière. Seigneur, daigne procurer des ressources en matériaux aux gens qui cherchent à reconstruire les maisons et les infrastructures et à soigner les blessés. Apporte consolation à ceux qui sont dans le deuil et assistance psychologique à ceux qui ont subi des traumatismes, en particulier les enfants. Oh, que les souffrances de Gaza ne soient pas oubliées et que se lèvent des artisans de paix qui travailleront pour la justice. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière. 

Seigneur, nous sommes impatients de voir ce conflit israélo-palestinien interminable prendre fin et une paix juste s’établir sur tout le territoire. Aujourd’hui une demande de statut d’état observateur non-membre est déposée aux Nations Unies, nous espérons un pas vers la reconnaissance de la légitimité palestinienne et le droit à l’auto-détermination. Nous Te prions pour que les droits humains de tous soient respectés et nous Te prions d’éviter toutes les conséquences négatives imprévues de cette démarche. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière. 

Nous Te prions aussi pour nos voisins d’Ègypte après le décret important pris la semaine dernière par le président Morsi pour accroître ses pouvoirs. Seigneur, daigne apporter une solution rapide et pacifique au conflit afin d’aboutir à une vraie démocratie, où tous soient représentés avec une situation stable. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière. 

Nous Te remercions, Seigneur, pour l’entrée en Avent ce week-end – d’avoir accordé assez de valeur à l’humanité pour T’être fait l’un d’entre nous, pour avoir pris chair et nous avoir enseigné à aimer. En faisant mémoire de cet évènement, puisse Ton amour se manifester parmi nous – en particulier au moment où nous commençons ce temps par une visite des femmes de Sabeel aux Quatre Maisons Orthodoxes de Miséricorde de Béthanie, et ensuite lorsque nous allons nous rassembler pour le dîner œcuménique de Sabeel pour Noël. Seigneur, daigne faire de ces évènements et de la prochaine rencontre interreligieuse sur les programmes scolaires et l’enseignement religieux des moyens de construire une vraie communauté pour faire progresser Ton royaume. Nous Te prions aussi pour les programmes de Sabeel Nazareth, en particulier pour la conférence sur “Nazareth vue par sa population”. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière. 

Enfin, nous Te prions en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour le Burkina Faso, le Tchad, le Mali, la Mauritanie et le Niger. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.  

Thursday, November 22, 2012

22/11/12 - English

Jesus of Nazareth, you once cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” As violence increases day by day in Palestine & Israel, especially within Gaza, we cry the same. You yourself experienced this kind of darkness; walk with us in our grief. Lord, turn your face towards the forsaken people of Gaza to shelter them from violence, fear, hunger, and cold. May Israel’s policy of siege and blockade against Gaza end, so that its leaders might speak truthfully about self-defense. Lord, teach us to sow hope and not despair as we lament all the lives lost. May the current chaos cease, and may just reconciliation be advanced soon by courageous peacemakers who would address the root problems of the situation instead of merely managing the conflict. Lord, in your mercy...

As Palestine prepares for the November 29th UN bid for permanent observer state status, we continue to pray for a favorable outcome. May recent turmoil not distract from the legitimacy of the request in the eyes of the international community, and may the Palestinian people be granted proper rights and just representation. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, as we experience protests in Palestine, we pray for a stop to the use of violent force against non-violent protesters across the region. At home, we mourn the loss of several people in protests about Gaza, especially remembering our friend Manal Tamimi who lost her cousin Rushdi al-Tamimi on Monday because of protest injuries. In light of recent protests in Jordan concerning fuel prices, we pray for relief in the form of a stabilized situation and a stabilized economy. Lord, in your mercy...

Prince of Peace, who blesses us with the task of embodying peace in the world, we ask a blessing on Sabeel’s on-going ministry. May we speak truth prophetically, may we live justly, may we love our neighbors readily. We thank you for multiple successful Witness Visits within the last month and for advocacy events already being hosted by recently returned Sabeel visitors in the U.S. We are grateful for the opportunity to come together with Christians and Muslims to pray Tuesday for the situation in Gaza, and we ask for on-going encouragement from this. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 22/11/2012


22/11/12 - Français

Jésus de Nazareth, Tu as crié : “Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m’as-tu abandonné ?” Alors que la violence s’accroît de jour en jour en Palestine et en Israël, en particulier dans Gaza, nous poussons le même cri. Tu as Toi-même éprouvé une telle obscurité ; marche avec nous dans notre souffrance. Seigneur, tourne Ton visage vers les populations abandonnées de Gaza pour les abriter de la violence, de la peur, de la faim et du froid. Puisse la politique de siège et de blocus d’Israël prendre fin, afin que ses dirigeants puissent parler d’auto-défense avec sincérité. Seigneur, aprends-nous à semer l’espoir et non le désespoir quand nous pleurons toutes les vies perdues. Puisse le chaos actuel prendre fin, et puisse une réconciliation dans la justice faire s’annoncer bientôt par l’action de courageux artisans de paix qui s’attaqueront aux problèmes à la racine de la situation plutôt que se contenter de gérer le conflit. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Alors que la Palestine se prépare à déposer aux Nations Unies, le 29 novembre, une demande d’admission comme membre observateur permanent, nous continuons à Te prier pour une issue favorable. Puisse l’agitation récente ne pas distraire de la légitimité de cette demande aux yeux de la communauté internationale, et puisse le peuple palestinien se voir attribuer des droits normaux et une représentation juste. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, alors que nous avons des mouvements de protestation en Palestine, nous Te prions pour que cesse dans toute la région le recours à la violence contre des manifestants non-violents. Dans nos foyers, nous pleurons la perte de plusieurs personnes qui partipaient à des mouvements de protestation à propos de Gaza ; nous nous souvenons en particulier de Manal Tamimi qui a perdu lundi son cousin Rushdi al-Tamimi qui avait été blessé dans une manifestation. À la lumière des récents mouvements de protestation en Jordanie à propos du prix des carburants, nous T’appelons à l’aide pour la normalisation de la situation et de l’économie. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Prince de la Paix, qui nous fait la grâce du devoir d’incarner la paix dans le monde, nous Te demandons de bénir la poursuite de la mission de Sabeel. Puissions-nous avoir une parole prophétique de vérité, puissions-nous vivre dans la justice, puissions-nous aimer nos prochains de tout notre cœur. Nous Te remercions pour la réussite de multiples visites de témoignage au cours du mois écoulé et pour les manifestations de plaidoyer déjà animées par des visiteurs de Sabeel récemment revenus des États-Unis. Nous te rendons grâces pour l’occasion que nous avons eu mardi de réunir des chrétiens et des musulmans et de prier pour la situation à Gaza et nous Te prions de continuer à nous encourager dans cette démarche. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Enfin, prions en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises pour les Églises du Cameroun,   de la République Centrafricaine, de la Guinée Équatoriale. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

15/11/12 - English

Sovereign God of justice and peace, our hearts are broken once again by this week’s escalation of violence in Gaza. Please bring about a just peace between the two sides. Lord, we mourn everyone killed in the attacks, especially lamenting the loss of several children. We cry out that the lives of these people, are not dispensable, but are valuable beyond measure. We beg you, God, to calm the senseless storm of violence, and move politicians to make real and diligent progress toward peace. Lord, in your mercy...

As we mourn events in Gaza, we also pray for general movement toward peace with regard to every aspect of the conflict. Lord, would you work in the hearts and minds of Israeli politicians and impress upon them the irrevocable harm which illegal settlement-building causes to the work towards peace. May they recognize the need to stop all such building. Lord may we all remember that our lives are bound up together as members of one shared humanity, and may we never seek only our own interests, but also those of our neighbors and of the whole world. Lord, in your mercy....

Father, in light of these needs, please mold us into agents of peace and effective witnesses to the Gospel – that we may love our neighbors in action and in truth. We pray specifically that you would bless this week’s Sabeel programs and the U.S. women’s witness visit led by Reverend Ann Franklin. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we look beyond the struggles in our home region to other corners of the world that are suffering. We specifically lift up the citizens of Guatemala and Myanmar, many of whom were impacted by significant earthquakes last week, including terrifying aftershocks that exacerbated damage and injuries. Lord would you heal the wounded, provide emergency relief for victims, and comfort the families of the dozens who lost their lives. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, along with the World Council of Churches, we pray in solidarity with the people of the Republic of Congo, Gabon, and São Tomé e Príncipe. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 15/11/2012


15/11/12 - Français

Souverain Dieu de justice et de paix, nos cœurs sont brisés une fois de plus par l’escalade de la violence cette semaine à Gaza. Daigne amener une paix juste entre les deux parties. Seigneur, nous pleurons chacun de ceux qui ont péri au cours de l’attaque et nous déplorons en particulier la perte de plusieurs enfants. Nous proclamons que les vies de ces personnes ne sont pas inutiles mais qu’elles ont une valeur inestimable. Nous T’en prions ô Dieu, calme la tempête insensée de violence et conduit les hommes politiques à faire des progrès réels et persévérants vers la paix. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

En pleurant les évènements de Gaza, prions aussi pour le mouvement général en faveur de la paix en prenant en considération toutes les dimensions du conflit. Seigneur daigne agir dans le cœur et l’esprit des hommes politiques israéliens et les persuader du dommage irrémédiable que la construction illégale de colonies fait aux efforts de paix. Puissent-ils reconnaître la nécessité d’arrêter totalement ce genre de constructions. Seigneur, puissions-nous nous souvenir que nos vies sont solidaires en tant que membres d’une humanité commune, et puissions-nous ne jamais rechercher notre seul intérêt, mais aussi celui de nos voisins et celui de toute l’humanité. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Père, à la lumière de ces besoins, daigne faire de nous des agents de paix et des témoins efficaces de l’Évangile – afin que nous puissions aimer nos prochains en actes et en vérité. Nous Te prions en particulier de bénir les programmes de Sabeel aux États-Unis cette semaine et la visite de témoignage de femmes des États-Unis conduits par la Révérende Ann Franklin. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Seigneur, nous regardons au-delà des combats dans notre patrie vers les autres régions qui souffrent dans le monde. Nous te présentons en particulier les citoyens du Guatemala et du Myanmar, dont beaucoup ont été affectés par d’importants tremblements de terre la semaine dernière, avec des répliques qui ont accru les dommages et les blessures. Seigneur, daigne guérir les blessés, apporter une aide d’urgence aux victimes et consoler les familles des douzaines de personnes qui ont perdu la vie. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Enfin, en union avec le Conseil Œcuménique des Églises prions en solidarité avec les populations de la République du Congo, du Gabon, de Sao Tomé e Principe. Seigneur, dans Ta miséricorde, entends notre prière.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

8/11/12 - English

Lord, today we begin with thanks for the refreshment of rain this week here in Jerusalem and surrounding areas this week, and ask that you in your faithfulness would send more rain soon to replenish the dry land and fill our reservoirs. In the light of delayed rains this season, please protect farmers from crop damage. God, as we think of environmental concerns, we also pray for everyone immersed in clean-up efforts following Hurricane Sandy. May neighbor help neighbor in time of need, would you provide quick relief as well as long-term provisions to those affected across all areas touched by the storm. Lord, in your mercy...

God we pray this week for the Coptic Church, and thank you for Sunday’s selection in Egypt of the 118th patriarch, Bishop Tawadros of the Diocese of Beheira. Please bless him with wisdom and an anointing of your Spirit in order that he might be a strong and humble leader for the church, walking in the way of love and directing the church into a future of peace and harmony. Lord, in your mercy...

God, heavy on our hearts are the many home demolitions in Area C, especially last week’s demolition of Beit Arabiya in the West Bank town of Anata, which has now been demolished for the sixth time. We thank you for the communal efforts of neighbors, internationals, and ICAHD to rebuild this home and peace center each time it is demolished. Thank for this vibrant work of resistance to injustice. May Beit Arabiya and the many other Palestinian homes with demolition orders be rebuilt, and may the families affected persist in courage and hope. Lord, in your mercy...

We lift up also this week’s Sabeel Programs. Please bless the work of Sabeel Nazareth, that they might strengthen the young people with the children’s meeting and youth meeting, and that women’s book study would continue to bear fruit as they meet weekly. We praise you for the two completed Witness Visits and thank you especially for the hard work and strong leadership of Omar Haramy, Tina Whitehead, Rev. Richard Toll, and Rev. Anne Clayton in making them a success. We lift up the work and the rich experiences that still lie ahead for the Netherlands Witness Visit and pray a blessing over Meta Floor in her leadership role. And though the trips end, may all those who have come and seen go home to work towards a just peace in Palestine-Israel. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the needs of all our sisters and brothers in the countries of Burundi, Congo, and Rwanda. Lord, in your mercy....

Japanese 8/11/2012


Thursday, November 1, 2012

1/11/12 - English

Lord Jesus, we look at the world around us this week and see many storms: from weather storms to political storms to religious storms. But you calmed the storm – the winds and the waves obeyed you – and today we hope in that.

Lord, we bring before you Hurricane Sandy and all the victims suffering in its path. We pray for families of more than 60 people killed in the Caribbean and at least 40 killed in the U.S. We ask your mercy on all who suffer from extreme weather conditions, damaged crops and homes, electrical dangers, sanitation problems, fires, flooding, power outages, and fallen debris. Please halt the storm and its effects and bring necessary workers and resources to respond as quickly as possible. Lord, in your mercy...

We lift up persisting storms of political struggle and violence. God, in impending U.S. elections, would you provide a leader who, acknowledging the U.S.’s influential role in world affairs, would also look beyond national interests to the peace and well being of the world. We pray for those who are already working towards peace, today remembering all conscientious objectors within Israel who refuse to serve in the Israeli Defense Force and face imprisonment and social exile for their choices. We especially pray for 23-year-old Moriel Rothman who declared his refusal on Wednesday of last week and is currently serving a 10-day sentence, after which he will face potential re-imprisonment. We pray also for Omar Saad, courageous 18-year-old Druze Arab Israeli, who is similarly refusing to serve with occupying forces. Lord, may we see violence diminish, human dignity respected, and quick release of those who are imprisoned because they stand for peace. Lord, in your mercy...

We lift up storms of religious intolerance and extremism, especially asking for a reprieve of violence in Burma, Nigeria, and Palestine-Israel. Lord, please deliver those caught in escalating religious clashes in Burma; and please comfort, heal, and calm the fears of the community affected by the church bombing in Nigeria last Sunday. Lord, in your mercy...

God, in the midst of these things, please use all who work for peace as a healing balm. May we all desire peace deeply and transform injustice through truth, forgiveness, and love. May the programs of Sabeel contribute to greater understanding, mutual respect, and a just peace. We lift up this weekend’s Board meeting, the Clergy Retreat, the three Sabeel Witness Visits, the many outside groups visiting Sabeel this week, and the Study Circle with Father Testa on National Struggle and Personal Forgiveness. Please bless these efforts and all that go unmentioned. Open participants’ hearts to truth and strengthen their wills toward love. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally we pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, and Seychelles. Lord, in your mercy...

Japanese 1/12/2011


Japanese 1/11/2012


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Japanese 28/10/2012

主よ、教会全体が、自らも一緒に捕らわれているつもりで牢に捕らわれている人たちのことを覚え、また、自らが苦しんでいるつもりで虐待されている人たちのことを覚えますように。 今日、あなたのみ前で、先週イスラエル軍事法廷で裁判にかけられた15歳のパレスチナの少年ライード・アル・アムーリのことを覚えます。逮捕され、裁判にかけられ、不正なやり方によって宣告を受けているあまりにもたくさんの子どもたち、青年たちのために祈ります。また、パキスタンの14歳の少女、マララ・ユスフザイのことも覚えます。彼女は女性の教育への権利を訴えて、タリバンの殺し屋に銃撃を受け、重傷を負いました。神よ、どうかあなたが、このような不正な恐ろしい状況に直面する全ての若い人々と共にいてくださいますように。主よ、御憐れみにより、私たちの祈りをお聞きください。

Friday, October 26, 2012

25/10/12 - English

Mighty God, please watch over and protect those caught up in unrest and fighting in Lebanon this week. As the assassination of Lebanon’s security chief Wissam Al-Hassan has aggravated sectarian divisions, we pray that Lebanon would not slip back into civil war. Please provide peaceful, rational ways for the country to respond to these latest events and prevent the further spread of violence. Lord, in your mercy…

Prince of Peace who wept over Jerusalem, we weep with you today over our divided city. We implore you, who conquered death, to help all your children triumph over the death that threatens to control our cities in the forms of hatred, racial division, and injustice. We hear of discouraging developments such as 800 newly-approved settlement units on confiscated West Bank land in Gilo or the Israeli military academy to be constructed on the Mount of Olives in occupied East Jerusalem. We beg you to show us your hope for the people of this city. Please, God, may Jerusalem truly become the City of Peace – an open city, shared respectfully by followers of all faiths and backgrounds. Lord, in your mercy...

Life-giving Creator, we bring before you the siege on Gaza that continues to deprive people of food, water, and other human necessities. Moreover, the blockade on Gaza deprives residents of what you endowed to all men and women when you created them: the gift of freedom. We praise you for those who would resist the blockade, like the Swedish ship Estelle that carried goods to deliver to Gazans. We pray for success in future efforts, and that no such groups who attempt to defend human rights would be treated instead as criminals. You have promised strength for the weary and justice for the oppressed. Please end the suffering and imprisonment of Gaza. Lord, in your mercy…

We also lift up the three Sabeel Witness Visits during October and November, asking that your Spirit would lead these groups into all truth and help them to respond in love. We pray especially for Bob & Maurine Tobin – long time volunteers at Sabeel and Coordinators of this year’s US witness visit – as Bob will be prevented from coming due to illness. We thank you that he is in recovery, and we pray for full healing. We also pray for effective ministry through this week’s Jerusalem & Nazareth Sabeel programs, such as Tuesday’s Open Forum, olive picking with the youth in Bethlehem over the weekend, and Nazareth youth volunteer work. Lord, in your mercy…

We pray, in solidarity with the World Council of Churches, for our brothers and sisters in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – for joy in all the beauty with which you have endowed these cultures, for relief from poverty and environmental challenges, for sustained peace and harmony. Lord, in your mercy....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Japanese 25/10/2012


Thursday, October 18, 2012

18/10/12 - English

Lord, may all the Church continue to remember those who are in prison as if we were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if we ourselves were suffering (Heb 13:3). 

Today, we remember before you 15-year-old Palestinian Raed Al Amouri from Jerusalem, tried by the Israeli Military Court last week. We lift up the overwhelming number of children and young men that are arrested, tried, and sentenced according to unjust methods. We also remember before you 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani schoolgirl who had campaigned for women’s rights to education and was gravely injured by Taliban gunmen. God, we cry out that you would accompany all such young people who face unjust and terrifying circumstances. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray in solidarity with Sufian Taha, previous owner of a home in Beit Hanina, East Jerusalem that was demolished this week. Lord, be with him in his grief and exasperation – and with the many who have experienced similar demolitions. Please provide for their needs and give them the courage and strength to work towards a government that would be fair to all. We bring before you the many newly approved settlement housing units soon to be constructed, asking that Israel would recognize these decisions as illegal and inherently devastating to the peace process. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we lift up the coming elections, both at home and abroad: First, for fair local municipal elections in Palestine and for the installation of Municipal Councils that will work diligently to bring about improvement of the conditions in the towns and villages and in the lives of the people under their jurisdiction. Second, for presidential elections in the United States, especially that both US candidates would recognize the urgent importance of developing better foreign policies towards peace for all. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray for this week’s Sabeel programs, namely that the Open Forum program to be led by Bishop William Shomali and the UK Witness Visit between the 20th and 28th of October will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God. Lord, in your mercy...

Finally, we remember the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal – especially for those who have been internally displaced, and for our stateless brothers and sisters, the Rohingya people. Lord, in your mercy....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

11/10/12 - English

Lord, this week we lift up the continued violence against both Palestinian children which is perpetuated by occupation. Last Wednesday, at the Ibrahimi School in Hebron, a group of soldiers entered a playground full of children, harassing and threatening them. Jesus, give the soldiers eyes to see the absurdity of the situation, and prevent them from continuing this harassment. During this time of olive harvest, we also pray against increased settler aggression toward Palestinian farmers as many of the trees are uprooted, burned, or cut down, destroying much of the harvest. We ask for legal accountability for those responsible for these crimes. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray for the tiny country of Bahrain, still weathering political turmoil and violence since the Arab Spring reached it in February 2011. We thank you, God, for the acceptance of 158 of the 176 UN recommendations to Bahrain last month, and pray for their swift implementation, the alleviation of grave human rights abuses, and the realization of democracy. Ultimately, we pray for a lasting peace and justice in the country. Lord, in your mercy...

Lord, we lift up this week’s conference hosted by Sabeel and Al-liqa’ concerning the important role school curriculum plays in nurturing Muslim-Christian relations. We pray that the Palestinian Ministry of Education would see the importance of including multiple faith narratives in the classroom as we guide our children toward understanding and tolerance. Lord, in your mercy...

We pray finally for the various Sabeel programs this week, especially the important strategic meeting this Saturday, which will involve discussion and prayer over the vision and goals for the coming year. We pray that you would bless those who attend the Sabeel Nazareth youth film discussion on racism, that you would inspire them to act in love and fight racial hatred. And we ask a blessing on the Nazareth women’s book study, which highlights the problem of high rates of Palestinian emigration. We pray for courage for Palestinians to stay in the land despite the challenges, and for those who leave to someday return to stand with their people. Lord, in your mercy...

Along with the World Council of Churches, we intercede for the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Lord, in your mercy...